The rubber hits the road>>Luke 9.20-27
9/24/2009 9:54:48 PM
Good Morning.
Isn't it amazing how timely Scripture can seem to be? You know, you're going through something, you go to church, and the message is just exactly what you needed! You turn on Christian radio, and a Scripture passage is so applicable to your life. . . coincidence? Hardly.
Good Morning.
Isn't it amazing how timely Scripture can seem to be? You know, you're going through something, you go to church, and the message is just exactly what you needed! You turn on Christian radio, and a Scripture passage is so applicable to your life. . . coincidence? Hardly. That is what is meant by "the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any two-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit. . ." Hebrews 4.12 Do you remember the toddler's toy called a popcorn popper? It is a pushtoy, with a long handle, with a little dome that causes colored balls to pop, as it is rolled across the floor; it never fails to delight little children--heck, it is colorful and noisy, so why not? That is how my mind feels this morning--with little colored balls, popping first this way, then that--or like pistons firing in an engine. So many thoughts that need to be reined in. Let me explain. . .
Turn with me to Luke chapter 9, and read verses 20 through 27~ I just love Bibles--I have a number of different versions, and enjoy reading and studying all of them. . . why so many versions? Remember that some have been translated from the original languages word-for-word, others thought-for-thought, some expanded into contemporary language--and think how colloqualisms change over the years--others are paraphrases (like the Living Bible and The Message)--so it is quite illuminating to read from several different Bibles. One that blows Scripture wide open is the Amplified Bible, which does just that, amplifies what is being said. Consider verse 20--"And He said to them, But who do you [yourselves] say that I am? And Peter replied, the Christ of God!. . . The Son of Man must suffer many things and be [deliberately] disapproved and repudiated and rejected on the part of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be put to death , and o the third day be raised [again]." Jesus goes on to say that if anyone chooses to follow Him, it would require self-denial, and making the daily choices that Jesus would. . . rather than those which are selfish. Then in verse 26, we read, "Because whoever is ashamed of Me and of My teachings, of him will the Son of Man be ashamed when he comes in the [threefold] glory (the splendor and majesty) of Himself and of the Father and of the holy angels." save verse, NLT>> "If anyone is ashamed of Me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when He returns in His glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels." Sometimes Jesus' teachings are beautiful, and of course, they are always filled with wisdom; but some of Jesus' teaching is difficult--might I say painful--to understand and apply. Today, we face one of those truths in verse 26.
Our culture knows how to pleasure itself, and stay insulated and comfortable. The church has recently kept pace with this value by focusing on the feel-good aspects of Christianity, and avoiding those things which might make parishioners squirm. If anyone is ashamed of Me and my message. . . what is His message? His message includes all of God's teachings. Let me give you a few that are 'hard sayings': I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me. John 14.6 But wait, what about Joan? She is such a good person. . . oh, I know that she doesn't really believe that Jesus is the Son of God, actually, she is kind of new age in her thinking--she combines a little Buddhism, some meditation, a little virgin Mary, and well, she does believe that Jesus was a good moral teacher. . . but I'm sure God will accept her into Heaven--how could He keep her out? She's such a good person.! No one comes to the Father, except through Me. I'll never forget the time an attorney turned into the verbal attack dog and said to me, 'The trouble with you Christians is that you're so arrogant--you think that Jesus is the only way to God.' Then, this trying-to-be-nice respondent voice came out of my mouth, 'Sorry, I didn't say it--He did.' As the Bible says other places, 'it is a hard saying, but true.'
In the recent elections, Californians narrowly passed a proposition that marriage is between a man and a woman. (Can you believe we had to vote on that?) This proposition has caused a lot of sleeping dogs to wake up. . . and many voting Christians missed it-- what do I mean by that? A lot of Christians voted the wrong way--yes, I said the wrong way-- in a way that is contrary to God's teaching, not to mention the natural laws of creation. God did not create Adam and John, or Eve and Faye; He created Adam and Eve--one man, one woman--meant for procreation and pleasure, within the bonds of marriage. Period. Homosexuality is against God's laws--look it up for yourself--(unless you just take the parts of the Bible that suit you as the truth)--Romans 1.24-27; Leviticus 18.22; Deuteronomy 23.17; Genesis 1.27-28; Matthew 19.4-5. I am not talking about politics, because Proposition 8 in California was not a political issue; it is a moral one, a Biblical one. I have some gay readers, quite a few free thinkers as well, but as I read today's passage where Jesus talks about being ashamed of Him or His message, well, I realized that I had a responsibility, though it was a difficult one for me. I didn't say these things, He did. That said, I have two gay in-laws, and I love them. It is not my job to pronounce judgment on them--it is my job to love them. However, when I am called on to vote about homosexuality, I better know what God says about it, and mark my "X" in the right box.
In some families I know, this has caused a divide--can you see why? The gay members want to be married, and they want their family members to support their love for each other; when folks don't, they are hurt and angry--some even confrontational. Oh, what to do?! We don't want rifts in our families for sure. . . and we still are called not to judge anyone. . . but--we must know and land on Biblical, moral ground. This is the first time, in my lifetime, that I can see the potential for Christians to be persecuted for their faith; strong words, but I know of particular circumstances where it is happening--now. This is no cause for fear, just cause for us to hit our knees in prayer for ourselves, our loved ones, our country; it is also cause for you to KNOW WHAT YOU BELIEVE, (or what you SAY you believe).
Christianity is not just an easy profession, it must be position as well; being a Christian is not just what we call ourselves, but what we live. So when Jesus says, 'if anyone will come after Me, he must deny himself daily, pick up his cross, and follow Me', we must know that following Him means what He has taught us, what we find within the pages of Scripture. For that reason, I gave you the above references to look up and read; don't be spoon fed, please read for yourself. These are exciting times, my friends--times to sharpen our minds, hearts, understanding and holiness. Are you up for the challenge?
Okay, the little balls in the popcorn popper that is between my ears is settling down now; thanks for pushing me across the floor.
So that you may show,