Poor guys. . . they just didn't get it Luke 9.46-50
9/24/2009 9:55:47 PM
Scripture Reading: Luke 9.46-50 Today's inspiration: Whatever is true. . .whatever is lovely, think on these things.
Scripture Reading: Luke 9.46-50 Today's inspiration: Whatever is true. . .whatever is lovely, think on these things.
Good Morning.
I guess they just didn't get it. . . even though He told them He was heading for suffering and betrayal, all they heard was "Jerusalem," and the disciples began thinking of the Messiah establishing His earthly kingdom there. 'Which one would be the greatest? Which one would have the seat closest to Jesus?' Ever the amazing teacher, Jesus takes a child and stands him next to Him. Whoever welcomes a child in my name welcomes Me. . . to become great in the Kingdom, you will need to become like this child~with a simple, trusting faith. Jesus knew their thoughts even as they thought them, just as He knows ours. So often we put up such a good front, to make sure we look as though we've got it all together, when really we are thinking less-than-stellar thoughts. The psalmist said that the Lord searches us and knows us. . . He knows when we sit and when we rise. . . He knows our thoughts from afar off. . . Psalm 139. So you see we are who we are within ourselves. That is the self God knows--I think I'm glad about that, because I sometimes muck it up on the outside. Then again. . .
How do you do reining in your thoughts? Do you let them run wild with you? Paul comments on 'taking all of our thoughts captive' (2 Corinthians 10.5)--hmmm, that must mean it is possible. Well, if it is possible, then that means we are responsible for our thoughts, individually, and those that are grouped together and become our 'way of thinking'. (deep) Let's take worry, shall we? How are we able to get control of the thoughts that plague us, causing us to worry? Well, first--recognize that worry is not of God. (Philippians 4.6) -for that matter, neither are thoughts of fear, jealousy, anxiety, etc. Recognizing that, we realize we must take hold of the errant thought--catch it--and change it. (there's that corny saying, you can't keep the birds from flying over head, but you sure can stop them from building a nest in your hair! yuck, yuck--but it is TRUE) So, let's endeavor to stop the nest-building thoughts that go awry. It is my personal belief that you can only change a negative or wrong thought by replacing it with a good or right thought. Would you picture Campbell's soup cans with me? Take the one off the shelf in your brain marked 'worry' and set it down; replace it with a can labeled 'pray and trust'. (Philippians 4.7) These are two verses that should be in your quiver because they are powerful. Don't worry; instead, trust and pray, and you will find peace! We must train ourselves, discipline ourselves to choose right thinking, which brings me to verse 8 of Philippians 4--whatever things are true, whatever things are right, noble, pure, lovely, admirable. . .think on these things. If your ways of thinking can't be fitted into one of those categories, maybe it should altered.
So, how would you categorize the disciples' thinking in the above equation, being so concerned about position in the kingdom? Ambitious? Yes. Plus a little self-focused? Sure. You know, all of the self-thinking seems to lead us astray--self-righteousness, self-serving, self-promotion, self-indulgence, self-absorption, self-pity, self. . . self-anything just seems to take us the wrong direction. Consider Jesus' view on the matter in one of my favorite passages, Philippians 2. 'Have this attitude in yourself which was also in Christ Jesus who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant. . . and humbled Himself to death.' Now, let's talk about position--is that what the disciples were after--position next to Jesus? Well, then they would become servants and even be willing to die. . . hmm. . . least or greatest? Bottom up or top down economics, my friends?
Then the poor chaps tell Jesus about another guy--not one of the disciples--casting out demons in Jesus' name. . . well, they tried to stop him because he wasn't one of them. Jesus' kind answer is designed to let them know that they are all on the same team--no need to elbow him out of the way. (Plenty of demons out there to go around for all, I guess!)
In conclusion, what thoughts run through your mind on a daily basis? If they were projected on the wall, would you mind if other people read them? 'Not sure? Let me take you back again to the psalmist's heartfelt words, also found in Psalm 139~ how I love them~ Search me, O God, and know my heart~try me and know my thoughts. And see if there is any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. v. 23.24 [ESV]And then, what about your collective thinking--your viewpoint--notice, I haven't even touched attitude. . . we'll leave that for another time! If your collective thinking needs to be revolutionized then get some BASIC TRAINING. . . in the trenches of Scripture and biblical teaching, with application made to your life--kinda' like we're doing today, I guess! fancy that.
So that you may think well,