Are you about the Father's business? Luke 2.41-52
9/22/2009 2:44:21 PM
Scripture Reading: Luke 2.41-52 Today's Inspiration: Jesus increased in wisdom and in favor with God and man. Luke 2.52
Good Morning.
About ten years ago, my husband Dean and I were at Home Depot, (a huge construction retail supplier), picking out something for our home--struggling to make a decision about the type of widget we wanted. . . we turned around and discovered our three-year-old son, Dylan, was nowhere to be seen.
Scripture Reading: Luke 2.41-52 Today's Inspiration: Jesus increased in wisdom and in favor with God and man. Luke 2.52
Good Morning.
About ten years ago, my husband Dean and I were at Home Depot, (a huge construction retail supplier), picking out something for our home--struggling to make a decision about the type of widget we wanted. . . we turned around and discovered our three-year-old son, Dylan, was nowhere to be seen. Up and down the aisles we went, first walking, and then running, trying to spot his little bowl-cut head. . . no Dylan. Other patrons joined in our frantic search, and then it seemed all of Home Depot was looking for him! Finally, we found him--he had opened a display model of a front-door setup and sat down quite comfortably, and for some reason, closed the door, and stayed there! Anyone can relate to the desperate feeling of a parent searching for a young child. . . now, can you imagine how Joseph and Mary felt when they realized they had lost the Son of God?
As devout Jews, Mary and Joseph traveled by caravan to Jerusalem for the annual observance of Passover. (Jewish law commanded three pilgrimages to Jerusalem a year: Passover, Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles.) This was probably Jesus' first trip with them--and it had special significance because Jesus, at age 12, was almost to the age of Jewish manhood. Unfortunately, when the feast was over, the party bound for Nazareth left. . . without Jesus. At the end of the first full day of travel, Joseph and Mary start looking for Jesus, thinking He is just among the other travelers. When they discover He isn't, they turn around and head back to look for Him in Jerusalem.
Roughly, Nazareth was located near the Sea of Galilee, (toward the top of this map), and Jerusalem down near the Dead Sea, a distance of about 70 miles. After three days, they find Jesus in the temple, "sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You seriously." And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?"
Especially since this is the only peek we get into Jesus' childhood, (in any of the gospels), I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about this passage--what are we to take from it? First, this appears to be the first time Jesus claims to be the son of God, referring to 'My Father'--it is the first time He has made Joseph and Mary aware that He knows. This was no ordinary 12-year-old lad asking childish questions of the rabbis. . . all who looked on and listened were certainly aware of that! But it was more than the fact that He was clearly well-taught on the Law. . . He was wise beyond His years. Yet, I have some questions I have pondered: Jesus, where did You sleep those three nights away from your parents? Who fed You? Did You feel 'at home' in the temple? Did You know that Joseph and Mary were frightfully worried about You? Did You ask the Father to comfort them? Did any on the rabbis you were talking with later condemn You? Was it from this time on that You were aware of a God/man schism within Your frame? Did the teachers of the Law treat You differently when You returned to Nazareth? Did they spend more time with You?
Despite Jesus' recognition of being about His Father's business, He returns to Nazareth with Joseph and Mary, being submissively obedient to them. Mary keeps all these things in her heart--pondering them. Ah, yes, a woman's intuition--her discernment lets her know from then on, things would be different. And for the second time, Luke comments on Jesus' increased wisdom. Vs. 40, "the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him." Vs. 52, "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men." Interpretation: As Jesus grew older and bigger, He became wiser because God's grace was on Him; He had the favor of God and the people around Him.
Let us earnestly desire and pray for wisdom, God's grace, and favor upon our lives!
Questions: 1) How can you relate to Joseph and Mary's position throughout this childhood event of Jesus?
2) Do you think you are increasing in wisdom as you grow older? Comment.
3) How can we grow in wisdom?
4) Do you think you are increasing in favor with other people?