Heaven … just for someday?
4/29/2013 1:13:51 AM
April 28, 2013~Ephesians #23 in series


Heaven … just for someday? 

Good Day.  Yes, it is a good day! 

Heaven – the believer awaits and anticipates it, but only for ‘some day’… I mean, not until our lives have been fully lived, goals achieved, bucket lists at least partially scratched off.  If we are honest, that is how most Christians think.  ‘Well sure, I want to go to Heaven, but I would love to hold at least one grandbaby first!’ or  ‘But who would raise my kids?  I have to know they are okay, then …’  or ‘Do you know how long I have worked on this start-up business?  I would like to see my dreams realized—you know, at least somewhat!’  Natural feelings since we know far more about our tangible lives on this side of eternity, than we do of the domain of Heaven reserved for the other side of eternity.  But wait … is Heaven only meant for the other side? 

In “Best day ever … what will I see?”1 I talked a little about Heaven—what we can know from Scripture, particularly Revelation 21 and 22.  Heaven is the home of the Lamb, and a place of love, light, color, beauty, safety, joy, and it is big! But is Heaven only just something that is in our future someday?  Is Heaven strictly the reward and home of the believer when he leaves this life…or is there more?  Perhaps Soren Kierkegaard makes a salient point: “You have to define life backwards.  You have to start from the end and move towards the present.  What’s the purpose of life?  What’s it about?  Is it possible to borrow from the end to enrich the now?”  Oh my goodness, yes!  Huh—consider this thought, ‘Christians who did the most for the present age were those who thought the most of the next.’2

Jesus taught us to pray to the Father, ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven…’ Friends, you and I are to bring Heaven to earth—by inviting God to come and have his way in us … by learning to live and love in this present world as Jesus did.  We are meant to learn to live as radicals, especially in the way we love and accept other people, leaving judgmentalism and self-righteousness far behind.  (I would like to say ‘leaving behind hypocrisy’ as well, but because I am so well acquainted with myself, I know that hypocrisy happens.  Oh, I think of the times I have known God’s way, the right way, but in my flesh, chose to go the other direction.)  In truth, loyalty to God’s standards will mean clashing with the world’s standards; yet that is our call—to go the extra mile, turn the other cheek, and sometimes give the very shirt off our backs.

I introduced you to my brother Joe’s best day ever3, and then discussed it in full at Women of Passion, my women’s Bible study, including asking the women to share at least one thing they would like to see happen in their lives before they have their ‘best day ever’ ~ seeing the face of Jesus for the first time.  I closed with a song by my friend, Gary Rea4 that captures my thoughts on this so very well: “Heaven is Here Now” – click to listen:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YecGmjU5FD8

“In Heaven there’ll be perfect peace, there’ll be joy in the streets and every mouth will be singing your praise… there’ll no sorrow at all.  We will be free from every chain and our bodies will be whole again, and your church will be one spotless beautiful bride for your Glory, we’ll see your Glory…    Heaven is here now, your Spirit is here now...     Lord we believe it, we’ve started to see it

Your Kingdom come… Lord come and reign here

Come have your way here     

Establish your rule, come take the throne

Your Kingdom come

Take all I am, Lord, use me for your Glory, take all I am Lord use me for your glory…   I’m not my own… I belong to the King.”

So, let’s imagine our best day ever, and work backward as Kierkegaard suggested.  Let’s purpose to bring the glory of Heaven into our daily living—believing the best in and of others, believing God for miracles, loving others with abandon, taking risks to ‘become all things to all people, that some may be won,’ as Paul lived.  Yeah, let’s not wait for someday ~ let’s bring Heaven here … now.


1 http://pastorwoman.com/ReadArchive.aspx?id=1156

2 C.S. Lewis, quoted by Don E. Eberly

