You are cordially invited to the inauguration of Jesus Christ Luke 3.21-38
9/22/2009 2:42:05 PM
Scripture Reading: Luke 3.21-38 Today's Inspiration: "You are my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with You." Luke 3.22
Good Morning, Friends.
Pictured is the Jordan River; just below the Sea of Galilee, (called "Bethany beyond Jordan"), it was where John-the-Baptist was preaching and baptizing people for the remission of their sins.
Scripture Reading: Luke 3.21-38 Today's Inspiration: "You are my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with You." Luke 3.22
Good Morning, Friends.
Pictured is the Jordan River; just below the Sea of Galilee, (called "Bethany beyond Jordan"), it was where John-the-Baptist was preaching and baptizing people for the remission of their sins. Well, let me take a little liberty, and paint you a picture of what one day could have been like.
John-the-Baptist, with his long hair and full beard, is standing in the water, about knee deep. He has been at it all day--a little tired, but he knows that the time is coming, and all this is going to change. He has an express purpose--to tell the people that their Redeemer is coming on the scene, and they need to get themselves ready, so that they will be able to hear His message. Again, John bends at the waist, his left arm cradling the strapping young man, and lowers him fully into the murky Jordan River, and then brings him back up. . . John's beard is wet, and his hair too--his tunic completely soaked by now, but he smiles as he brings another tender heart out of the water. The young man raises his arms in the air and gives a triumphant yell.
But then, another steps to the edge of the water and readies Himself for baptism. John looks, and then looks again. . . he is taken aback! How can he possibly be worthy of baptizing the Messiah? Jesus assures him it is as it is supposed to be. After His upper body is raised from the water, the heavens open, and the Holy Spirit descends on Jesus like a dove. He hears His Father's voice, saying, "You are My beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with You."
Wow! What a scene--there It is, there They are--the Trinity--fully represented in one event. Jesus, the Son of God, standing in the water, the Holy Spirit coming down, and the Father's voice, claiming His Son. Again I say, "how I wish I could have been there!" Perfect unity and submission to each other, on this the inauguration of Jesus' ministry
As a licensed pastor, it has been my honor to baptize a number of people, including my youngest son, Danny. It is a privilege to stand alongside someone who wants to acknowledge what Jesus means to them, identifying with the baptism of Jesus. The celebration never gets old. . . it is a significant statement in a person's life of faith.
Recently, my friend asked me to baptize her at our nearby Capistrano Beach. . . It was a beautiful sunny morning, and the surf was pounding pretty good, breaking across a sea of rocks. . . She walked out into that water in a black swimsuit, long blond hair flowing. . . well, we timed it just right--as one wave receded, and before the next was upon us. . . she came out of the water, bursting with joy. Following a wet hug, we walked out of the water, and then she donned a white tunic, and walked the rest of the way back up to the house where her loved ones had taken it all in. Her elderly father was the first to greet her. Then, she told the story of the pieces of the proverbial puzzle that had come together to prompt her to be baptized. She concluded by saying, 'He had waited 58 years for this, and now I am fully giving myself to Him; I won't make Him wait any longer-' It was a very moving time for all of us. I know that her Father was looking on and saying, 'you are my beloved, and with you, I am well pleased.'
Sometimes the physical act of baptizing is challenging for me, particularly when the person being baptized is well bigger than me--or the mountain water is ice cold, and there are 10 waiting to be baptized--but God has always assisted me. . . I never dropped anyone! And even with the ice cold water or the breaking waves, there was a holy exhilaration that kept anything from really being a deterrent. The Father looks on well-pleased--- that is a good day. So that you may know, Christine
Questions: 1) Many have been baptized as children as a way of your parents giving you to God, have you been baptized since you formed your own relationship with Jesus Christ? Why, why not?
2) What is your impression of this scene with the Trinity? Oh, my goodness. . .
3) Read the accounts of Jesus' baptism in Matthew 3.13-17 and Mark 1.9-11. What more did you learn?
4) What did you glean from this week's study in Luke?