Our strength is in You, Lord Luke 4.31-44
9/22/2009 2:38:37 PM
Stop reading! Take a moment and ask God to give you wisdom, discernment and understanding as you read and consider today's Scripture.
Today's Scripture: Luke 4.31-44 Today's Inspiration: Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6.10
Good Morning.
We follow Jesus from Nazareth down to Capernaum, where He establishes a 'home base' for His ministry. Jesus continues to be invited to teach in the synagogue on the sabbath
Stop reading! Take a moment and ask God to give you wisdom, discernment and understanding as you read and consider today's Scripture.
Today's Scripture: Luke 4.31-44 Today's Inspiration: Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6.10
Good Morning.
We follow Jesus from Nazareth down to Capernaum, where He establishes a 'home base' for His ministry. Jesus continues to be invited to teach in the synagogue on the sabbath. . . one such day, a man with an evil spirit, calls out to Jesus. Jesus silences the demon and demands that it come out of the man--it does. The people gathered 'round were stunned at the spiritual authority of Jesus. . . they had never seen anything like it before. Me either! What about these demons? As I read this passage over a number of times, questions leapt off the page: Where did the demons come from? Are there still demons today? If so, what do they act/look like? and, well. . . should I be afraid?
First, to believe there are demons, we must accept that there is evil in this world, emanating from the evil one himself, Satan. To that statement, many of you say, 'duh, of course.' Well, then, maybe it would surprise you to know that many people deny the presence of evil, of Satan--preferring instead to look through Pollyanna glasses. Please, let us not be uninformed or naive. Where did the devil or Satan come from? Satan was a created being, an angel named 'Lucifer', who effectively tried to stage a coup in Heaven, and gain control. . . then, this 'angel of light' was cast out of Heaven. . . forever, taking with him a number of fallen angels. . . demons, (2 Peter 2.4, Jude 6), who have the potential to wreak havoc. Or, do they?
As I began to dig around in Christendom to see current views on demons, I was interested to note that there is a range of beliefs about the existence of demons, as well as the ability to get rid of them. The Catholic Church believes that real demonic possessions are rare but possible, so they keep a few exorcists around just in case. Anglicanism, several Protestant denominations, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons), Judaism, Hinduism, Scientology, and Islam also practice some kind of exorcism. (wikipedia.org) 'Several Protestant denominations?' Conservative preacher, Bible study author John MacArthur seems to weigh in with a viewpoint that 'while there is demon activity, Christians do not have authority to command them to do anything.' (MacArthur believes only Jesus had that ability) I revisited an old resource, Warren Wiersbe, long-time minister of Moody Bible Institute, who wrote The Strategy of Satan: how to detect and defeat him-who shares a similar position of the late John Wimber, (pastor and founder of Vineyard Christian Fellowship), that Christians cannot be demon-possessed, though they may well be demonized--which means to be influenced, afflicted, or tormented in some way by demonic power. Then, there is the intellectual academic Josh McDowell, whose thoroughly-researched opinion. concludes that just as was recorded in the New Testament, there are still demons, and even demon-possession, though the latter is not common--especially here in our modern American society.
Certain choices made by individuals seem to invite demonic activity--chief among them, involvement in the occult. Any kind of participation in spiritist activities sets a person up for torment, as does giving in to the temptations of the flesh, and continuing in unconfessed sin. Certain manifestations of demonization mimic psychological disturbances such as compulsions, extreme fear, depression, anxiety, rage, hearing voices, uttering strange noises or shrieks, etc. Therefore, it would be folly for a lay person to label demonization or attempt to deal with it; only a mature Christian, trained and seasoned by the Lord, in counseling and spiritual warfare, should do that.
Whereas at one time people attributed many things to the direct intervention of the devil; today people attribute nothing to the devil. Both views are dangerous. While we do not esteem our authority to be anything like the Son of God's, we do have access to the supernatural power that gave Jesus His authority. Consider with me these truths: Be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls about like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5.8 Christians have no cause to fear--"greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." 1 John 4.4 There is power, when we use the name of Jesus, John 16.23, 26 Our strength comes from the Lord--let us embrace the power referenced in Paul's writing to the Ephesians, (chapter 6), For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness. . . therefore, we must be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
There will be more opportunities to discuss the ways of the evil one, as Jesus regularly comes against him during His ministry. Be aware, my beloved. And, wherever you find yourself, you are in the middle of the grace and power of God--look around, look up and apprehend it.
So that you may know,