If He had called you, would you have gone? Matthew 4.18-22; John 1.43-51
9/24/2009 9:47:57 PM
Today's Scripture Reading: MATTHEW 4.18-22; JOHN 1.43-51 Today's inspiration: "Follow Me."
Good Morning.
'I had heard about Him. . . well, after all, who hadn't? John-the-Baptist had been telling everyone that the Messiah was born, and living among the people. In fact, word had gotten around that one day out at the Jordan River, Jesus Himself had walked to the water's edge to be baptized by John.
Today's Scripture Reading: MATTHEW 4.18-22; JOHN 1.43-51 Today's inspiration: "Follow Me."
Good Morning.
'I had heard about Him. . . well, after all, who hadn't? John-the-Baptist had been telling everyone that the Messiah was born, and living among the people. In fact, word had gotten around that one day out at the Jordan River, Jesus Himself had walked to the water's edge to be baptized by John. John was hesitant at first, but went ahead and baptized Jesus. . . that's right, Jesus, the Christ! Then, one day, we were with John, when I spied Him at a distance. . . John said, "look, there is the Lamb of God." I couldn't take my eyes off Him; I wanted to be where He was. I was there when He began picking His men--now, don't get me wrong, many rabbis had students who followed them around to learn from them, but this. . . this rabbi was different--His calling was different as well. One-by-one, He bade us follow Him, until there were twelve. I was there, (Andrew) as was my brother, Peter, James and John (also brothers), Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, James, (the son of Alphaeus), and Simon the Zealot, and Judas, (the son of James), and Judas Iscariot. From the time He called us, we rarely left Him. We took our meals with Him, rolled out our mats to rest nearby, watched Him heal people, saw how He loved the children, how He honored women--we had never seen that before! Why, it was unheard of--in Jewish culture, Roman culture, or Greek! Jesus raised the esteem of women, wherever He went. He wasn't afraid to be seen dining with outcasts--even thieving tax collectors. No, Palestine had never seen anything or anyone like Jesus.'
'I'm not sure why He chose me--after all, I was a fisherman, as were several of the other fellows. Pictured is a familiar sight--the Sea of Galilee at sunset. I had pulled many a fish from her waters, but more importantly, would see Jesus teach from a boat on her, heal people on her shoreline. No, He certainly could have chosen anyone. . . high and mighty Romans, educated scholars, high priests. . . but He didn't. We were the ones who would be the first hearers of His teaching, the first eyes to see the miraculous wrought by His touch or just His spoken word. But He chose us to observe and then later tell others what we had seen and experienced. He could have gone to Herod's court, He could have gone to Jerusalem. . . but He didn't, He went to the Sea of Galilee to some fishermen. He even used our trade as an example of our higher calling. . . being fishers of men. He invited us to follow Him. Ah, such an invitation, unequaled for all time! And so we did. . . so I did. . . and I would drop everything again and follow Him, if I could go back again to that day by the shore when He called me.'
'The call to you folks today is really no different, are you hearing me? He shows you who He is, explains it all through the living Word of God, (which may I remind you, we did not have 2,000 years ago--the Law, the Prophets, sure. . .), and then backs it up with His presence, His leading, answered prayer, other followers. . . so, as He comes to you today, and says, "Follow Me" what will you do? We had to leave our nets behind, which meant our livelihoods, and follow Him. . . what will you do? Will you follow Jesus, the Christ? Like us, it will cost you something. But also like us, you will receive far more than you will ever give.' (some thoughts from the disciple Andrew)
The call of the disciples is recorded in different order in the Gospels, including Jesus' invitation to Matthew, later in Luke 5. Matthew, the tax collector, leaves all for Jesus. It is unlikely that you or I will have to leave it "all" for Jesus, and maybe that is why so many of us risk little. We commit little, and deliver less. Let's raise the ante. . . Jesus is coming, and He turns to me, turns to you, and says, "Follow Me." "Yes, Lord, I will follow You... this day and the next... I will follow You."
Yeah, I think I would've gone. . . 'you?