9/22/2009 2:36:38 PM
Scripture Reading: Luke 5.1-16 Today's inspiration: To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine
according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory. . .! Ephesians 3.20
Good Morning.
Do you like fishing? 'Not a lot of middle ground on that one--you either don't, or you probably really DO, so as to be an o-fish-ionado.
Scripture Reading: Luke 5.1-16 Today's inspiration: To Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine
according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory. . .! Ephesians 3.20
Good Morning.
Do you like fishing? 'Not a lot of middle ground on that one--you either don't, or you probably really DO, so as to be an o-fish-ionado. A couple months ago, I was a passenger in a little motor boat that shuttled my boys to the perfect fishing spot on little Mary Lake near Mammoth Mountain. It was perfect. . . idyllic, picturesque, warm air, cold water, and the day netted zero fish. The next day we returned and trolled the shoreline, catching shady spots, rocky spots, seaweed, and zero fish. Now if we were dependent on our 'catch' for sustenance or for our livelihood, we would have been in big trouble! Soon-to-be called disciples Simon and Andrew, and their partners James and John, made their living by what they pulled in out of the Sea of Galilee--(also called the Lake of Gennesaret). O-fish-ionados ask, 'what was in that lake?' Tilapia, carp, and sardines--much of which would have been dried for sale, and the making of fish sauce, and traded throughout the Mediterranean world. Fishing was part of the larger economy of the Roman Empire.
Simon's perspective: 'One day, just after we had returned from a night of fishing which had brought in nothing, Jesus came on the scene, with throngs of people following close by. . . man, I was beat, frustrated too. When the Teacher asked to borrow my boat, I didn't care, I'd seen enough of it; besides, I was worried how I was going to get by, having caught nothing. So, Jesus sets out a little from the shore, as the people line the hillside to hear His teaching--it was almost amphitheater-like seating, and the Jesus' voice off the water carried well. When He finished, Jesus came back to shore and told us to take our nets and go into the deeper water, and 'let down the nets for a catch.' 'But, Lord. . . . . . well, okay.' And so we did. The haul was so enormous, our boats were sinking, and we had to call James and John to help us get all the fish back to shore. Then Jesus said the most unusual thing to me... 'Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men.' At first, I thought, 'Lord? You let us catch all these fish, and then you tell us we aren't going to catch fish anymore, but people?!' But when I turned back to all of the people lingering on the hillside, wanting to be near Jesus, I understood.
Soon after, we were with Jesus, when a leper approached Him. . . I took a couple steps back, not wanting to 'catch' his obvious affliction--I didn't want to be unclean. He literally threw himself on the ground in front of Jesus, begging Him to heal him--if He was willing. He was, and with two words, "be cleansed," the man was well. What kind of Man is this that can cleanse another man's sickness? What kind of Man is this? Simply amazing, I guess. . . the word spread, and people came from all around to hear Jesus' teaching and beg Him for healing. O, how He loved them! And 'you know that leper? He had it all figured out--he was absolutely convinced that Jesus had the power to heal him of the contagious skin disease that cut him off from all society, and yet, he was seeking His purposes, rather than his own.'
Now the last phrase of this passage could be easily overlooked, but it just might be the most important inspiration for us today: So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. Luke 5.16
How I need to embody this desire, and then take action! Many of us talk about praying, and we do it 'on the fly', but what we really need is to get alone with our Father, and pray. So, what's going on in your world? Are you watching your 401K slide into oblivion? Are you so busy at work, your eyes sometimes glaze over? What is your situation, friend? For as many pairs of eyes as are reading this, there are as many scenarios. . . I know you've been swamped in Portugal, Joao Paulo--and Melissa, are you homesick, while stationed in Japan? Rebecca dear, how are our Kenyan women getting along? Well, brothers, sisters----take it to your Father. "What's that? you are saying, 'You can't even clear your thoughts enough to pray?" Well, then do what I do: WRITE your prayers. Get a simple lined notebook and just talk to God about what is going on in your life, (with your pen). If you want to really grow in your prayer life, you might evenly space four words down the left column of your notebook-- Praise - then write your praise to God; Repent - then, spend some time thinking--ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any sin to you, and confess it. . . be free, dear ones! Ask - Remember this? 'ask and you will receive; knock and the door shall be opened' - take your needs and the needs of others before your Father--the Sustainer, Healer, Life-giver... go ahead, He loves to give good gifts to His children. finally Thank God for His blessings--for your health, your family, your ______ . . .
Even before he was healed by Jesus, the leper had a believing faith in Him. I want the faith of the leper--to be absolutely convinced that He is able. . . and yet living daily seeking his purposes. Here's the thing--when I am absolutely convinced and I am seeking his purposes, then surely I will embody the desire and commit myself to get alone in a quiet place to pray.
So that you may know,