Face to face, what will Jesus say to you?
10/1/2013 11:07:46 PM
Oct 1, 2013~Faithfulness/1Timothy #8 in series


Face to face, what will Jesus say to you?

Good Day. 

What’s he gonna say to you?  When you see Jesus face to face, what do you think he will say to you?  “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”1  So Jesus fully knows you—he knows all about you—when you get to meet him, face to face, what would you like him to say to you?  Hmmm.  Considering the aspect of Jesus’ return as an element of God’s faithfulness prompted me to think about what I would like him to say to me. 

Scripture is clear that ‘to whom much is given much will be required’2 . . . so I want to be a good steward of what God has given me: mind, body, spirit, and resources.  He gave me a keen mind to use and train; he blessed me with a strong body, which Paul reminds is to be taken care of because it is the container for the Holy Spiritwhile I live; and finally, God has invited me into a rich relationship with him, and given me particular spiritual gifts4 to use for him.

We could spend a week unpacking that paragraph … but suffice it to say, that I believe it is good to understand that one day we will give an account for how we lived, including what we did with all God gave us.  Based on that, the first thing I hope God will say to me is: “Welcome home, Girl.  I have made a place here for you, Christine.”  [Notice that he knows my name—that’s because we talk a lot.]

“So you already know quite a bit about my home—but make yourself comfortable—you have been expected … and ‘Child, you did a good job while on earth—you served me well!’” Matthew’s gospel records Jesus’ words, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant,’5 so maybe he will say it something like that.

The best way to know what God might say to you and me is to take stock occasionally, and ask, ‘how am I doing with what God gave me, and expects of me?’  Paul finished his message to the Colossians with, “Be sure to carry out the ministry the Lord gave you . . .6

And so I asked myself, ‘am I carrying out the ministry the Lord gave me?’  Huh, before we turn the page, I think an accounting is in order.  Remember the parable of the Talents, where Jesus described three different measures of talents given to three men by their master?  He went away, and when he came back, each had to give an accounting of what he had done with the talent he had been given.7  This is my accounting, of what I have been given to do—now. 

The ministry the Lord gave me covers five groups of people:

1.  I am a wife and mother to my family—four children between the ages of 15 and 30

2.  I am a corporate pastor to an international company

3.  I am the teaching pastor to a group of ladies who have become my family, my safe loving community--Women of Passion—which meets weekly.

4.  I am an international pastor to the hundreds who read my Bible studies—

“Morning Briefings” – because of God’s goodness and grace, these briefings now go into 120 countries daily.  Many times, locally and remotely, I fill a pastoral/shepherding role to those who find themselves without a church, or without a close relationship with their own clergy.

5.  I lead Fellowship of Christian Athletes at my local high school, and an offshoot of that ministry as well, ‘Sunday Night Live’.  And from time to time, I speak at retreats, luncheons, and officiate at funerals—all of which are a great joy to me.8    Greater description at www.pastorwoman.com.  Please pray for me—that I will be faithful—and for those who receive these briefings that God’s Word will penetrate hearts and speak, especially where language might be a barrier. 

Now, how about you?  Some thinking is in order.  What do you want God to say to you when you meet him face to face? May I ask: How are you taking care of what he has entrusted to you—

body (are you treating your body well--resting, eating right, guarding against obesity, addictions?)

mind (do you endeavor to grow your mind, expand your thinking, train your mind in a disciplined fashion—particularly when it comes to the things of God?)

spirit (will Jesus know your name?  are you faithful?  No?  Well get back on the horse!  Don’t give up!  Persevere!  Try again.  Even when we are faith-less, he is faithful9)

And … how do you use your time and resources, Friends?  Do you give of them generously to others, to God?

It is true--Jesus longs to welcome you home by name.  And, who knows?  Could be today!10


1 – 1 Corinthians 13.12

2 – Luke 12.48

3 – 1 Corinthians 6.19,20

4 – Spiritual gifts listed: Romans 12:6-81 Corinthians 12:4-1128-31Ephesians 4:7-13

5 – Matthew 25.21

6 - Colossians 4.17

7 – Matthew 25.14-30

8 - If you would like more information on any of these, please go to www.pastorwoman.com.  All of the above ministries (except my family!) are under the umbrella of Pastorwoman Corp., a 501-C3. I ask for your prayers, and I humbly ask for your financial, (tax-deductible) support as well.  All moneys go 100 percent to the support of the spread of the gospel in the above-mentioned enterprises.

9 – 2 Timothy 2.13

10 - Matthew 24.36 – no one knows the day or the hour, Mark 13.32