Need a little grace?
9/24/2009 9:56:34 PM
Good Morning.
Some days I am more aware of God's grace than others. . . some days I feel in greater need of God's grace than other days. . . I thank God that the amount of grace He gives is not dependent on my need or even awareness of it on any given day.
Good Morning.
Some days I am more aware of God's grace than others. . . some days I feel in greater need of God's grace than other days. . . I thank God that the amount of grace He gives is not dependent on my need or even awareness of it on any given day. I'm reading a great new book by a trail-blazing young pastor in Washington, D.c., called Wild Goose Chase, (the Celtic Christians called the Holy Spirit 'the wild goose' because the Spirit of God, like a wild goose, cannot be tracked or tamed--and there is an element of unpredictability about Him that a lot of modern Christians have missed because they have clipped the wings of the wild goose), that spurs us on to living a life of spiritual adventure. The author, Mark Batterson, supplies a quote that I read and reread and reread, and not just because I was on the elliptical trainer at the gym when I encountered it! I had to share it with you today. Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of His grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace. Every day should be a day of relating to God on the basis of His grace alone.
The former Christian-hater Paul, the scholar and believer of the Jewish law, refers to the grace of God often in his writing, often starting and ending his letters to the churches by extending "Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ" When he writes to the church at Ephesus, he says, "In Him we have redemption...forgiveness of sins... in accordance with the riches of God's grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding." I know a number of you reading this today are in need of knowing that God's grace has been lavished on you today. . . I pray that you will feel the wind of the Wild Goose ever so near you
May the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ surround you, and may you feel His presence~