Some more "D" words for you, my dahlings~
9/24/2009 9:58:19 PM
Selected Scripture Readings to DELIGHT you, and make your DAY ~ Deliberate about them, won't you?
Good Morning.
So, my friend, Pam, wrote back yesterday in reply to the Morning Briefing on the workings of the devil, the more subtle ways that he seeks to destr--tempting us with distraction, dissension, divisions, and the like. . .
Selected Scripture Readings to DELIGHT you, and make your DAY ~ Deliberate about them, won't you?
Good Morning.
So, my friend, Pam, wrote back yesterday in reply to the Morning Briefing on the workings of the devil, the more subtle ways that he seeks to destr--tempting us with distraction, dissension, divisions, and the like. . . she said she has 'deleted such things by being Determined, Devoted and Delighted!' Okay, that's good stuff. . . not just for Pam, but for my friend, Bill, who works in a nuclear power plant, dealing with details, different people, and (huge) dollars on a daily basis! You see, without being determined to be otherwise--(that is, to be of an overcoming mindset)--we will easily be carried along by the wind of this or that. . . mainly, by our circumstances.
Determination is having our minds made up - with a firmness of purpose or resolve - for you and me, what should our minds be made up about? A few things--consider John 10.10 - "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." Okay, I want some of that. . . and you? I want to live a rich and satisfying life--the King James Version calls it the 'abundant life'. Love that. Determination for that kind of life means that we are able to apprehend the grace of God, accept the forgiveness of God, and let go of our pasts, because we are new creatures. (2 Corinthians 5.17) And then. . . Consider with me, Paul's words in Philippians 3.12 and following. . . "I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. . . one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has call me heavenward in Christ Jesus." ~ Determination to live my life, knowing that neither this world--nor this workplace, nor classroom, nor laundry room--are my home. . . I am bound for Heaven on a one-way ticket.
>>As an aside, I want to tell you about a powerful book I have been reading called The Heavenly Man - I have been moved, convicted, and motivated by the life of a Christian convert turned pastor in communist China--all of it taking place in our lifetime. My goodness, what this man was willing to endure for the cause of Christ, because he is bound for Heaven! He lives to one day hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant; enter into the rest of your Father." Can you imagine any sweeter words falling on our ears?! How I long to hear words of love from my husband. . . my children. . . but from my Lord? 'Oh, yes, Lord, I long to hear you say to me one day--"well done, child; well done."' You see, my dear ones, nothing will matter more than that. . . ever. Determination to be who He created me, and called me, and intends me to be. Ah, yes. . . determination will defeat the distractions of the evil one.
Being determined, I will devote myself to growing in the things of God--prayer, Bible study and meditation, worship, giving, etc., furthering His kingdom, and loving and serving His children, thereby growing in authentic community with other believers. Let me ask you something, Linda, Shari, Milo, Rebecca--do you know what it means to be part of an authentic community of believers? That is to say, that when your back is against the wall, and life takes a turn toward the very cruel, you can reach out, and know that there are those who will support you, pray for you, and believe the best in you? For that is love--the apostle Paul tells us to devote ourselves to one another. . . are you devoted. . . to anyone? 'anything? Are any believers devoted to you? Hmm. . . Maybe some thinking is in order. . . Maybe some action to find a good church or small group in which you can belong.
Finally, the psalmist tells us that if we "delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart." (Psalm 37.4) In what do you take great pleasure or joy? If you have a grandbaby, that is an easy answer; if you are a surfer, the answer might also come quickly to you. . . but otherwise, really, friends--what do you delight yourself in? Could you even imagine taking delight in the Lord? If not, how might you dabble in such a notion? How about asking God to speak to you today? How about putting some God-honoring music on your car stereo, and praising God with your voice? (You might have to employ my mantra--"I'll never see these people again, so why do I care. . . if they see me singing at the top of my lungs, or smiling at thoughts of Heaven?")
"As iron sharpens iron, so one man [or woman] sharpens another." (Proverbs 27.17) Today, my friend Pam, sharpened me--sharpened the community of believers. . . as we realize the abundant life that is ours for the living.
So that you may delight in Him who delights in you,