How many hairs are on your head? Luke 12.1-12
9/22/2009 2:16:51 PM
Scripture Reading:  Luke 12.1-12 Today's inspiration:  The very hairs of your head are numbered  Luke 12.7 Good Morning. Why did Jesus regularly rail on the Pharisees and their hypocritical ways?  It is easy to read right past His 'woe to you' warnings to them, thinking that His comments have nothing to do with us--after all, there are no Pharisees today, so there must be no application.

Scripture Reading: Luke 12.1-12 Today's inspiration: The very hairs of your head are numbered Luke 12.7

Good Morning.

Why did Jesus regularly rail on the Pharisees and their hypocritical ways? It is easy to read right past His 'woe to you' warnings to them, thinking that His comments have nothing to do with us--after all, there are no Pharisees today, so there must be no application. 'You think? Read on. "You're a hypocrite!" With all the bad names that could be hurled at you, that really doesn't seem that bad, does it? Hmmm. . . Earlier this year, I told you about a new book called Unchristian, in which the authors conducted research about what those outside the Christian faith thought about Christians--the results were very disturbing. We found that they described Christians to be very unChristian in their behavior. That is to say, while we claim the label of Christian - to identify with Christ - there isn't much in our lives that backs up that claim. (of course, the word Christian has been cheapened, and is just bandied about freely, with little meaning attached for many) The number one reason that these outsiders were turned off by Christians was hypocrisy. That means that many in our culture want nothing to do with Jesus Christ because of the hypocrisy of those who call themselves His. Again, "you hypocrite!" seems an innocuous accusatory moniker, but when you consider that many people will not come to the saving grace offered by Jesus because of hypocrisy in believers, it really isn't innocuous at all. Hypocrites will face a strict judgment one day.

Continuing on in Luke 12, was it any wonder that the crowds kept growing, wanting to hear more from Jesus? While He took to task the self-righteous and inauthentic, in the next breath, He assures His followers that not a single sparrow falls to the ground but what the Father sees it, and cares. 'In a rough spot right now? 'Wondering how long this trial will last? As Jesus taught about the love of the Heavenly Father, He elaborates on His compassion toward us. If My Father cares about the sparrow, how much more does He care about you, My child! While you might think He is just a big picture Guy--having flung the universes into being--He cares about all the details that concern you. All of them. Why, He even knows the number of hairs on your head! Don't run ahead into worry--instead, "Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things [food, clothes, needs] will be given to you as well." Matthew 6.33 Jesus cautions believers not to worry, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6.34 We are not to borrow worried trouble from tomorrow--'what is going to happen when. . .?' Seek Me first. . . 'But, will my child survive this awful thing?'

Seek Me. Do you not think I see your child, and love him even more than you? Why do you worry when it will add nothing to the situation? Seek Me. . . trust Me.

And so our Lord teaches us to live authentically, with our hand tucked into His. Sufficient to the day is the grace therein. Every day His mercies are new, and so is the strength He gives. "The joy of the Lord is my strength" said Nehemiah. We will look further into this elusive notion of joy next time--so sought after, so missing, yet so available to the Christ-follower. I hope you'll endeavor to STOP--for a moment, and prepare your heart for the coming Christ child. . . The world awaited His coming once as the Messiah; for us, we await His return. But in this special time of year, with 20 days until we celebrate Christmas, let's stop, be still, and KNOW that He is God.

So that you may STOP and be still,
