The Golden Rule and Everything.
5/28/2015 12:34:29 PM
May 28, 2015~Matthew #96 in series

The Golden Rule and Everything. Matthew 7.12


The Golden Rule and Everything. Matthew 7.12

We live in the world of no absolutes, have you noticed? I have heard folks say, ‘well, that might be true for you, but it is not true for me.’ Which begs the question then, are there absolute truths—things that are true for everyone? ‘And anything which might apply to everything we do? Yes, of course! No matter what some want to say. Jesus said, for instance-
So in everything,
do to others what you would have them do to you,
for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

“In everything? What do you mean, Jesus? In everything, what?” 
‘My Child, look at this long discourse I have just given my disciples about what it is to live a remarkably different life, radically different from the religious life the Jewish leaders had taught; in fact, different from what all people had known since life began in the beautiful Garden.

Our Messiah would say, ‘Child, in considering the everything, I take you back to the start of where my first sermon is recorded in Matthew Five. Sitting down on a big rock that day, with many gathered around, I began by talking about a different blueprint for living: that the way up is really down—a humble heart. Humility enough to recognize and admit need for a Savior and desire to know me is where it all starts.’ i.e., [Blessed are the poor in spirit-the first of the beautiful Beatitudes]1

‘Living for me just may mean you will be mocked at times, even persecuted—but my Father sees all, and he will reward the smallest thing you endure, and any and everything you do in his name. 2 It is my Father’s heart to reward, to love lavishly and also to give good gifts to his children when they come to him in prayer.3 Living rightly for me will be attractive to the world around you, because you will be different—unique—salt and light in a darkened, hurting world.4

‘Child, you do not have to wear one of those huge sandwich boards and stand on the corner and shout, ‘Come to Jesus, or you’re going to burn in Hell!’ But do not neglect telling others about me and the gospel message--your words, your story of life with me are oh, so important for you to share with others. What if no one had told you about me? What if no one had pointed the way for you to find new life, peace, and joy in me? I will give you everything you need to be my witnesses.5 Do to others what you would have them do to you, or for you. And yes, indeed I am calling you to an exemplary life of faith and love and service to others, seeking first my kingdom—the kingdom of God.6

‘How about a new simple standard, when it comes to relating to people, Child?
‘Do to others what you would have them do to you.’ Can I ask, how are you doing with that? With your spouse – do you do unto him as you want him to do to you? Do you love her in the way you desperately want to be loved? Look at the simple Golden Rule again: So in everything,
do to others what you would have them do to you.’

In Everything. Even the old Rabbi Hillel said similarly, "That which is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow. That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn."7

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. Perhaps a fine tattoo would help us remember this everything. wink emoticon
Let’s revive the Golden Rule, what do you say?

Christine Todd DiGiacomo

1 – Matthew 5.3
2 – Matthew 5.12
3 – Matthew 7.12
4 - Matthew 5.13-16
5 – Acts 1.8
6 – Matthew 6.33
7 – ‘Hillel the Elder’ Wikipedia