What does a Christian Believe? Part Two.
6/25/2015 2:35:34 PM
June 21, 2015~Matthew #111 in series

What does a Christian Believe?  Part two.  

Always "be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have..." 1 Peter 3.15



You and I must know what we believe.

It is so easy to be lulled into extraneous points of view and ways of thinking-- from being heavily influenced by Mormon friends or neighbors, who now call themselves ‘Christians,1’when they are not; to the appeal of materialism that it will bring satisfaction, when it does not; any satisfaction from ‘stuff’ is fleeting.  The constant media barrage against Christian truths, and being made to feel ignorant because of belief in the truth of the Bible is wearing down many people, at least enough to cause questioning doubt.  Then there our students being sucked into errant thinking, because some college professor says something is so, such that science refutes Scripture, when in fact, science supports the truths of God’s Word, from intelligent design to human biology.  Frankly, we need to know what God says in his Word, and yes, then to be able to ‘give an answer’ for our faith, which will require personal study.  But all the research, all the work is readily available.2,3

First five essentials of the Christian Faith as I put forth in “What Does a Christian Believe-Part One”, www.pastorwoman.com

1.    God is eternal ~ no beginning, no end.

     2.    God is triune ~ Father, Son, Holy Spirit

     3.    God is the Creator.

     4.    Sin separated us from God.

     5.    Grace ~ God’s redemption plan.

     6.  God's instrument of grace was Jesus Christ, God Incarnate.

     Jesus was born of a virgin, foretold by the prophet Isaiah--chapter 7, verse 14.  Jesus was fully human, fully divine.  The birth of Jesus was announced to Joseph by the angel, Matthew 1.21; Matthew 3.17

     Eternal life was made possible for us because of Jesus' death on the cross. 

Jesus' suffering was foretold by the prophet Isaiah . . . 53.1-6. Philippians 2.8; John 3.16

7.  Jesus Christ did what he said he would do -- he rose from the grave!  All of Christianity hangs on the Resurrection.  Check the historians of the day--not just the writers of Scripture.  The Resurrection was a recognized miraculous occurrence.  We serve a risen Savior.  Yes!  1 Corinthians 15.3-4; Acts 2.23-24àPeter was speaking to a large crowd, who would have shouted him down, were these things not known and accepted: Jesus was crucified, and he rose from the grave. 

After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to the disciples and others.   Jesus assured his loved ones that he had indeed done what he told them he would do.  John 16.6; 1 Corinthians 15.5-6; Acts 1.3

8.  Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven to return to the right hand of the Father.

He stayed with the disciples and friends 40 more days, and then assumed his rightful place in glory.  Acts 1.9-11.  What a glorious homecoming it must have been!  Can you just picture God the Father welcoming home his beloved Son?

9. Christ will come again—in the same way he left—in the clouds.

This is not the end of the story . . . one day, Christ is coming back for his children.  1Thessalonians 4.16-17; Acts 1.11

10. The Bible is the inerrant Word of God.  Scripture is purposed to inform, instruct, inspire, correct us, and lead us to Jesus Christ->2 Timothy 3.16-17 

It is what it purports to be--the Word of God.                                                             How did we get it?  2 Peter 1.20-21 

11. We are called to be followers—not just fans--of Jesus Christ.  And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ Matthew 28.18-20

Disciples study God's Word, go to him in prayer, obey, follow Christ in baptism, partake of the Lord's Supper, and share the good news of the Gospel.   

 'Call yourself a Christian, or would you like to?  Tell Jesus you want to follow him, that you recognize that among all other religious leaders, he is the only one who came to live with us, die for us, and then rise again; he is indeed the Son of God, the Messiah, and he is alive!  Ask him to help you follow him ~ acknowledge that you sin, and you want him to forgive you, to come and purify your heart and mind. Friend, begin to look for God, be aware of his presence, his leading … because he makes all things new—especially you.  Now you can say what it means to be a Christian, my friends.


1 – This is one of many articles, answering the question, What is the difference between Mormonism or LDS and Christianity?  http://magazine.biola.edu/article/12-summer/what-are-the-key-differences-between-mormonism-and/Christianity; 2 - What’s so Great About Christianity? Dinesh D’Souza; 3 - Why I Believe D. James Kennedy