TEACH a man to fish and you feed him for. . .
9/24/2009 10:16:52 PM
Good Morning. Four (4) instructional lessons in 10 short verses. . . let's do some fishing.
print it out - spend some time with it... make some direct application.
why wouldn't you?
Good Morning. Four (4) instructional lessons in 10 short verses. . . let's do some fishing.
print it out - spend some time with it... make some direct application.
why wouldn't you?
Have you ever played the role of the \
tempter or seductress? \
Have you ever caused someone to sin? \
Read verses 1 and 2 of Luke 17-- \
it would be better if you were fitted -> what do you think about that? Read 1 Corinthians 10.23, 24
with a pair of cement shoes and thrown / Everything is permissible--
into the ocean than to cause one / but not everything is
younger in the faith ___ ________. / beneficial. .
then, there is 1 Corinthians 8.9-10 ~ make sure
your freedom does not become a stumbling block
to the _________ . . .
According to Jesus' words in verses 3 and 4,
how many times should you forgive someone
who repents? Rewrite these two verses
in your own language: _______________________________________________
How much faith do you have
to have to pray and then receive a
miracle? Do you have to be a veteran
Christian? If it only takes a mustard seed,
then why don't we see more miracles around us?
Fill in your own name and write out verse 5:
Kathy said to the Lord, "Increase my faith!"
Why is this a good prayer to pray?____ Like the father
who wanted Jesus to heal his son, recorded in Mark 9.24 -
"I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!"
Finally, there is the servant performing his duty--
why would you praise someone for doing his job?
It is not for the reward we work for the Lord,
is it? We work, while the day is light so that
others may come to know God... not for the
accolades, but because we love Him, and
because He uniquely gifted us to serve.
Of sin, forgiveness, faith, and service. . . there has never been another teacher like Jesus.
Grace to you this day,