An orderly quietness. A silent self-preparation. We should not rush into the Presence. Picture yourself entering the Presence of God.
An awareness of God’s widespread mercy leads us to thanksgiving. Be specific: I thank Thee God for … Note: This is more than a feeling of gratitude; it is a deliberate awareness that God is the giver of all good things.
Close your time of thanksgiving with this prayer: “Lord, seal this gratitude upon my face, my words, my generous concern for my neighbors my every outward thought and act.”
A time of confession to cleanse the soul. Like in thanksgiving, be specific. Ask God to reveal to you anything that grieves his heart. Remember—prayer is listening as well as speaking, receiving as well as asking and its deepest mood is friendship held in reverence.
A time of intercession; genuine love sees faces, not a mass. Pray for others, for your children, for those who suffer, for our country, for your friends to come to know and experience the loving God of the Universe.
An opportunity for petition. Petition (for self) comes last because it needs the safeguard of earlier prayer. Like David, pray that God’s favor will rest upon you. Psalm 90.17
Like Jabez: Bless me indeed …
Like James: Ask God for wisdom!
The intervals of these areas of prayer should be filled by meditation ~ focusing on who God is, on his Word.
Close your prayer in adoration and power: “In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen – “So let it be”…
Then resolve to live faithfully in the direction of your prayers.
Devotional Classics Richard Foster, Emilie Griffin
worksheet created by Christine DiGiacomo,,