"Let the children come to Me; do not keep them away"
9/22/2009 12:12:37 PM
Good Morning ~ just a few verses to read today--verses 15-17 of Luke 18.  Read them and you'll know the song was right.   Hello, Mr. God. It's me, again--Little Andy.  How ya doing this morning?  I hope just fine and dandy. Did you get some rest last night  or were you busy, like most always,  making the world  just right?

Good Morning ~ just a few verses to read today--verses 15-17 of Luke 18. Read them and you'll know the song was right.

Hello, Mr. God. It's me, again--Little Andy. How ya doing this morning? I hope just fine and dandy.

Did you get some rest last night or were you busy, like most always, making the world just right?

I saw that pretty moon last night, and so many twinkling stars. I bet you had extra work, yesterday, Checking out what we were doing up on Mars.

I see you made some new babies. They came to earth, yesterday, to bring some mommy some smiles and blessings on their way.

Do you like being a daddy to my friend, Jesus? Thanks for letting me talk to Him ~To thank him for what he did for us.

I seen pictures of Him at Sunday School, talking with little children like me. He sure looks very nice and mommy says he set us free.

Hey there, Mr. God, I'm just asking, since he got back home with you, does he still have His chores like before and just what is it that he has to do?

I know there are children up there. . . do they get to play with the clouds and stars? Hey, do they have school and all, and still have to learn the three R's?

I like school sometimes, but I like summer better. Do Ya suppose, if I wrote to Jesus, He would answer my letter?

I just wanted to tell Him I love Him very much. I'd like to share my toys with Him--like my crayons, books, and such.

Hey, Mr. God. How big are you? Really big, I bet. Is it true your footprints make the oceans and did you make mountains from a play dough set?

Mommy says you know everyone so you must know my friends, too. Do you love them as much as me, even though they don't believe in you?

But, hey, Mr. God. I keep telling them, Maybe, you will call them up, some day. Then, they would really believe and You can come into their heart to stay.

Daddy says you hold the world in your mighty hands and, before I was ever born, for my life you made plans.

That is really nice of you and I hope I will make you proud of me--but, can I get fully growed up first before I become what I'm suppose to be?

Hey, there, God. When I get to heaven, can I come and see your house, pretty please? And then, if I am really good, can I fish in the crystal seas?

Well, I hope I didn't disturb you or anything, if you're busy, I'll come back after 'while. Daddy says our prayers often make you smile.

I don't know, as I'm a prayin' ... I was just a visiting. Hope I didn't make you all nervous--were you listening to the angels sing?

Well, I'll see ya, maybe, tomorrow; if you don't mind that is. Tell Jesus and His mamma 'Hi' for me and tell Him I am a friend of His.

Have a real good day up there. Get some rest, ok? Thanks for talking with me. Now, I gotta go and play.

If Jesus isn't too busy, maybe, He would like to come along, too. If you want, Mr. God, We got enough room for you.

Out of the mouths of babes, huh? Jesus welcomed children, and children loved to be around Jesus. He was never too busy to hug them, or pray for them. "Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in." (Luke 18.17, The Msg.) The simplicity of Andy's prayer--really, he covered it all, didn't he? He started his day with Jesus--before he went out to play; he offered to share what he had with Him, (crayons and toys), he knew that God created the earth, and that Jesus, God's Son, set us free. He invited Jesus into his day, and he had concern for his friends that didn't know God yet. . . Andy simply trusted in God.

Lest you think that children don't really comprehend religious matters--you are wrong. Again, they accept God's love for them, and don't even question it! Barna researchers tell us that most Christians come to faith in God before the age of 13--think about that for a moment. After that age, our culture teaches them to filter God out. . . keep themselves as the center of their universe and that sort of thing.

Let us become like children. . . again. . . and simply trust that there is a great big God who loves us, and wants to live with us forever in a great big house. "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so..." the song, of course! Christine