A Beautiful Thing Acts 29
9/24/2009 9:24:04 PM
Good Day~
Just before I completely close out Acts, I want to camp a little longer on the subject of worship, because it has everything to do with our being Acts 29, (28 chapters in Acts; you and I are writing ch. 29 in the world today)
Just before I completely close out Acts, I want to camp a little longer on the subject of worship, because it has everything to do with our being Acts 29, (28 chapters in Acts; you and I are writing ch. 29 in the world today) Let's keep the spirit of Acts alive within, without. Yesterday, I proposed that we look at our lives as one continuous fabric--family, work, home, etc., and to consider how to apply Paul's words to the Romans. In the King James', "I beseech you therefore, brethren. . ." I like that because it seems a lot more passionate, a lot stronger than just "I urge you". . . so I say to you, "I beseech you, my brothers and sisters, to continue thinking about offering all of your life up as a sacrifice to God. . . do it as your spiritual act of worship." (a little more on Romans 12.1) I see our lives as a tapestry of our labor, leisure and relationships. Now, that said, I believe there is also a piece of ourselves that we reserve only for God--including a time of honoring God with our hearts and minds, turned toward Him.
I think of it as my personal devotion to God, and I try to have a 'set apart' time every day. Occasionally, I take myself to the beach for a TIME OF SERENITY. (sometimes, me and 20 of my closest friends...we set ourselves up in our chairs, with our hats pulled down, our Bibles, pens and notebooks at the ready). I have some 'prompts' prepared--on serenity. . . maybe you want to print them out, take a little time and devote yourself to focusing on God... it is a sweet, sweet time. (If you take your 'time' straight from your computer, be sure to click on the Youtube links--these great worshipers will really bless you. Good music like these fill me heart with love for God, 'nigh unto overflowin'. . .)
Time of Serenity
Solitude is oft-overlooked in our fast-paced world. . .
yet making room for the quiet nurtures our souls, and stills our minds so that we cannot only be with God,
but we can know that, indeed, He is present with us. Alleluia. . .
In the stillness, we can hear His voice. How sweet it is~ Ask God to speak to you today, dear friends.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9zHn4QSH-8 "Be Still, My Soul.
Scripture Meditation~
Ask God to open the eyes of your heart to truly see. . .
Take these verses, line by line, SOAK them in. . .
Read Psalm 91~ pay particularly close attention to these verses:
v.1 - He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty
v.4 - He will cover with you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
v.11 - For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
v.12 - they will lift you up in their hands. . .
A Time of prayer~ "Call on Jesus" - Nicole Mullen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9u1OAJ41G8
Adore God - bless His name, praise Him for His character, for His works among men
Confess your sins - "Search me, O God, and know my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there
be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalm 139.23-24
Ask God to reveal any sin in your life, and confess it to Him. Be free, dear friends. . .
Ask God if there is anything He would like to say to you; then be quiet... listen.
Ask God for your needs, for the needs of others. . . ask God for wisdom
Thank Him for answering your prayer; thank Him for specific 'graces' in your life. Then, practice gratitude
"Forever Grateful"** Gary Rea- my friend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwomoJCyPYQ
**why do people have their hands raised in this song? It is Scriptural. David said in Psalm 63.4, "I will you while I live;
I will lift up my hands in Your name." 'A beautiful thing. Go ahead--lift your hands to God--praise Him!
Ah. . . a time of personal devotion. A time to be all alone with God--who would have thought it possible? 'So beautiful?
Go ahead. . . give it a try. Be courageous. Christine