An unopened Gift
9/24/2009 11:40:10 PM
Good Morning.
What to do--should I address every block of James' writing, or pick and choose? But then, I fear
that I will get e-mails from 13 of you asking about the verse(s) I didn't mention. . .
Good Morning.
What to do--should I address every block of James' writing, or pick and choose? But then, I fear
that I will get e-mails from 13 of you asking about the verse(s) I didn't mention. . . (Did you know that
these Morning Briefings go all over the US, and to the Philippines, So. Africa, Japan, and the Nether-
lands?) Besides, who am I to decide what goes, what stays? So, with that in mind, let's take a look
at James 1, verses 16-18--
Don't be deceived, my dear brothers. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down
from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. He chose to
give us birth through the word of truth that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.
James emphasizes the heart of God toward us, while saying "Don't be deceived"-
In my mind, chapter one breaks down into a simple ledger something like this:
from God not from God
joy troubles, trials
growth in our character wavering mind
wisdom temptation
and to these we now add:
good gifts! a God who changes His mind
heavenly lights (sun, moon, stars)
new birth (through the Gospel)
firstfruits (the first generation of Christ followers)
Speaking of gifts, I'm reminded of Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount when He is encouraging
the people to 'ask, seek, and knock' in prayer, because God will answer--He drives it home by saying,
'if you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give
good gifts to those who ask Him.' (Matthew 7.11) Is there a catch? Yes. The 'catch' is that of
choice again. He gives good gifts to His children--so, I must ask you, are you His child? Not just because
you were born, not just because you were baptized Lutheran by your parents at 30 days of age! No, this is
a choice to become His child, to desire Him to be your Father, to put yourself into that relationship
with Him.
Let us look at verse 18 again--He chose to give us birth through the word of truth that we might be...
The Gospel (the word of truth) is the most perfect gift God has given us--but like the gift your
mother sent in the mail last week, unless you open it, and receive it, it is not yours--it is not
mine. What do I mean by 'the Gospel'? That Jesus came and walked amongst us, and then went to
the cross so that our sins would be forgiven, in order that we can one day enter Heaven, but until then,
be in relationship with Him-- You know, even if there weren't an afterlife, even if there wasn't Heaven,
I would want no other life than the one I live now, in relationship with God the Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I cannot fathom doing life without that most vital, life-giving relationship!
Oh, yeah, God is the source of good gifts; He is the source of the greatest gift--make sure you open it.
Grace and peace to you,