No ONE WAY sign in prayer
9/24/2009 11:34:18 PM
Good Morning.
James 4.2 - you do no have because you do not ask God. Prayer~Asking. . . praising. . . thanking. . . confessing. . . listening?
Good Morning.
James 4.2 - you do no have because you do not ask God. Prayer~Asking. . . praising. . . thanking. . . confessing. . . listening?
If I told you that today at Noon God's voice would be heard over the NBC network, I would venture to say that you would find a way to tune in so that you wouldn't miss out. . . and yet, God has spoken, it is recorded in His Word. We profit greatly by reading the Bible and finding out what God has to say to us.
Please read the account of God speaking to Samuel in 1 Samuel, chapter 3. Take note that it was in the stillness that God spoke to Samuel. This is key. He woke him up to do it!
Here's the question. . . does God speak today? I believe it is one way that He leads us--so, how does God speak? ->in a still, small voice ->through Scripture ->through other believers, including messages from the pulpit ->visions, when awake ->dreams, when asleep ->circumstances--opened or closed doors; serendipitous meetings -> a "knowing" in our innermost being--
How can we ready ourselves to hear from God? ->>>>>> *seek first His kingdom ->> *be attentive, listen; be aware, be desirous ->> *make quiet your friend--turn off your radio, tv, ipod, etc. ->> *in your prayer time, appropriate time for listening. When God speaks, He expresses His mind, His character, and His purposes--and His leading will always be consistent with His Word. For example--I've had women tell me God had told them to leave their families because they just weren't happy--and, well, life is too short. Wrong. That is not consistent with Scripture. Take note: Our God will not shout to us though. . . Psalm 46.10-Be still, and know that I am God. In our busy lives, it takes discipline to be still, and to quiet our minds. It is a worthwhile discipline to practice. "Keep still"--I can remember my mom saying that, in church and other places where I needed to be quiet. . . make time, friends. . . keep still~it is good for your soul, and God can get a word in edgewise, too.
How do we know that it is God's voice (or leading) that we hear? ~Is the voice gently leading, or is it commanding and harsh? God's voice gently guides and encourages giving hope. Psalm 18.35, Isaiah 40.11 ~God leads; Satan drives. John 10.4 ~God convicts; Satan condemns and brings guilt. Psalm 8.12 ~God woos; Satan tugs hard. ~When God speaks, He does not use fear to motivate. If fear overcomes you, it is the enemy speaking, not God. 2 Timothy 1.7
I leave you with the beauty of this: The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders. . . The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic. . . The voice of the Lord strikes with flashes of lightening. The voice of the Lord shakes the desert. . . and in His temple all cry, "Glory!" Psalm 29 I guess that's why the songwriter penned: All nature sings and around me rings. . . this is my Father's world.
Be still today, and KNOW that He is God. . .