The "rest of the story"
9/24/2009 11:30:16 PM
Good Morning! Some voices just make me think of Americana. . . one such voice is Paul Harvey's. . . I love it when he says, "and now you know the rest of the story". Well, the rest of the story of the book of James is two-fold.
Good Morning! Some voices just make me think of Americana. . . one such voice is Paul Harvey's. . . I love it when he says, "and now you know the rest of the story". Well, the rest of the story of the book of James is two-fold. First, James 5.13-18, is really about the power of the prayer of a faith-full person. James uses the example of Elisha, (from 1 Kings 17 and 18); Elisha was a mortal--a man, like you, like me--who asked God to move, to shut down the false prophet Ba'al. Elisha asked in faith, God answered--first, in no rain, and then in RAIN! For what have you been too reluctant to ask? I remember a friend from my youth, (late 20s), who believed he could only count on 'X' number of prayers being answered, so he was careful how he used them. I remember once that he used one of his precious prayers on me. . . Sweet. . . but kinda' messed up theology. You and I don't serve a God who keeps score. . . thank goodness! He does not have tally marks next to your name or mine, nor is He about to 'cut us off' from the supply line of His power. He tells us to ask, and we'll receive; knock, and the door will be opened; seek, and we will find. So, do not sell short the power and magnitude of prayer--of your prayers. (did you read Danny's story yesterday?!)
In verses 19 and 20, the concluding verses of James, he advises Christians to go after those who have fallen away from the faith. . . those who have been misled. . . and what I love about this, is James' comment that 'whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins.' Once again, we encounter the God of second chances, the God who truly does forgive and forget. I think of the age in which we live that is permeated with the notion that 'if you're good enough, you'll go to heaven,' and 'if you're truly sincere, well, that must count for something!', and 'be a little more open-minded, come on, some of this eastern thinking is good. . .' and 'all spirituality is good. . .' Christians, folk are being deluded and the truth diluted, and it is dangerous! So, let us care enough to lovingly reach out to those who have 'exchanged the truth of God for a lie,' Romans 1.
This is a 'wrap' on James. . . the little book that packs a big punch, written by the brother of our Lord. I heard it said that 'James is Christianity with its sleeves rolled up. It is the working person's practical guide to living the Christian faith. It spells out what it means to follow Jesus day by day, and emphasizes faith in action. Right living is the evidence AND result of faith. We, the church, must serve with mercy (compassion), speak lovingly and truthfully, and live in obedience to God's commands, while loving one another. If we truly believe God's Word, we will live it day by day. God's Word is not merely something we read or think about, but something we do.' Truly, James is chalk-full of practical wisdom for living.
And now. . . we will break.
It is time to reset the printing presses--my brain and my Mac. . . Long before we were half-way through the book of James, I was asking God, 'what next?' I am convinced the 'what next' is the book of Luke. How fitting, how right that we would look closely at the life of James' brother, our Lord! Luke is different and distinguishes itself from the other three gospels, and in the coming weeks, we will see just how that is so.
Perhaps, you've come to the end of the road, and you would like to be removed from the Morning Briefing e-mail list; please let me know, and I'll remove you. On the other hand, if you have learned anything or your faith has grown as a result of our daily study in James, I would love to hear that too. (the management loves that sort of thing. . . . . . ha!) Morning Briefings will resume on Monday, Sept. 15, and a new group will be joining us at that time, on our journey into Luke--'can't wait! An up-close and personal look at Jesus, at how He lived and loved, is life changing.
So, until then, my brothers and sisters, you are in my hearts.
Grace and peace to you.