Let's be intimate. . .
9/24/2009 11:31:34 PM
Good Morning.
I would like to get personal with you today about a subject that really matters. . . prayer. This past week, as we went in to the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus as He agonized in prayer, and observed the missed opportunity of the disciples to pray, (and how critical that proved to be), I could not help but think of our own experiences in prayer. I want to discuss those with you for a little while.
Good Morning.
I would like to get personal with you today about a subject that really matters. . . prayer. This past week, as we went in to the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus as He agonized in prayer, and observed the missed opportunity of the disciples to pray, (and how critical that proved to be), I could not help but think of our own experiences in prayer. I want to discuss those with you for a little while.
What is your definition of prayer? 'Talking to God.'
Well, sure--but the first time it is recorded in Scripture that someone was talking to God, it was Eve, lying to God in Genesis 3.10. Was that prayer, then? Not really. So then perhaps we need to broaden our description of prayer. . . Why did David pray thus in Psalm 5?
Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation.
Give heed to the voice of my cry, my King and my God.
For to You I will pray. my voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You, and will look up. verses 1 - 3, Psalm 5
I notice several things from David's prayer ~ He went to God in the morning at the start of his day. . . I personally think that is vital to who I am throughout the day. Notice with me that he rightly ordered his position, and surrendered himself by saying, 'O Lord,' 'my King and my God'. David knew that God was his strength.
Do you pray? 'Of course, I pray; really, I pray all the time.'
How do you pray? 'Well, I guess, I'm regularly shooting up one-liners throughout the day--'
What do you say? Usually, something like 'God, help me with _______; or thank you for _______. . . I kinda have an open line going all the time.'
More Americans will pray this week than will exercise, drive a car, have sex, or go to work, according to Gallup polls. Nine in ten pray regularly, and yet most would say they aren't really satisfied with their prayer life. hmmm. . . Why do you suppose that is? Some are not sure their prayers are being heard--maybe they aren't praying the right way or for the right things...or too, 'is anyone really listening? Others think that prayer should be a conversation with God, and yet they never hear God say anything. Still others see their friends' prayers answered, but can't remember answered prayer themselves. Then there is the whole matter of not getting distracted--well really, I guess there are some things at issue here, aren't there?
"Prayer is an expression of who we are. . . We are a living incompleteness. We are a gap, an emptiness that calls for fulfillment," Thomas Merton said. I think Merton was right. In order to be complete, we need to be filled up with God, and that comes primarily through connectedness with God through communicating with Him. How many prayers have gone unanswered in your life because you never prayed them? Our Lord's brother said, 'We do not have, because we do not ______.' James 4.3.
Prayer connects us with God, it moves the hand of God, and changes us. It increases our faith, and helps us become who God wants us to be. . . but 'you know what? In order for it to be effective, I do think it requires more than just one-liners throughout our day. . . it requires some 'set apart' time, when God is our sole focus, not just something we fit in with whatever we are doing. Prayer reminds me that He is God, and I am not. Why not start your day tomorrow with some special time alone with your Father in prayer?
So that we may grow. . .
***How is your prayer life? What are your challenges? What hangs you up? What is most meaningful to you? Where do you lack? HEY, TAKE A MINUTE, and give me your feedback, won't you? I'll include some of your thinking (not your names!) in this discussion about prayer. . . let's wrestle, let's grow.