Got any gods? ~ Galatians 4.8-11
11/24/2009 11:58:55 PM
Galatians #15 in series
This is from The Message paraphrase:
8-11Earlier, before you knew God personally, you were enslaved to so-called gods that had nothing of the divine about them. But now that you know the real God—or rather since God knows you—how can you possibly subject yourselves again to those paper tigers? For that is exactly what you do when you are intimidated into scrupulously observing all the traditions, taboos, and superstitions associated with special days and seasons and years. I am afraid that all my hard work among you has gone up in a puff of smoke! Galatians 4.8-11
Hello, my friends. . .
To what do you devote yourself? If I asked you what you could not live without—what would you say? Where does your time and money go? These are all indicators of what you value in life, and possibly even indicate some gods you have in your life. Paul was teaching men who had believed in false gods like Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva; the Egyptians believed in Isis, goddess of fertility. All of these were pagan gods and the people were in bondage to them. People looked for things/ideas/belief systems to give them hope, purpose, and even identity; they still do today. This is a God-given urge assigned to the created by the Creator. “Our souls are restless, O Lord, until they rest in you,” St. Augustine so aptly said.
We want something to give us meaning, hope, purpose, so we search and search, and it doesn’t stop.
Unless or until we find Jesus, we continue to search and restlessly flail about like a nursing child rooting for his mother’s breast. ‘You know what I am talking about—unsatisfied, women are sure that ‘the right man’ will complete them, bring meaning and joy. . . well, he might, but he won’t satisfy the longing inside you for God. ‘Looking for purpose? Get that MBA, and then you’ll be able to move more quickly up the ladder, and feel gratified with your accomplishment. Maybe a little. . . but you will still lack. Money, sex, power. . . these are fleeting, temporal gods; only relationship with God the Father, offered through Jesus, with the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit will put God, with a capital ‘G’ in your life. How easy it is to break the first commandment, “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”
Paul taught the Galatians that they could know God, and be known by Him. Paul was a passionate shepherd to these people, and he was desperate for them to get this right. If they couldn’t, and chose to keep pagan holidays, or even Jewish holidays thinking the observance of them would make them more righteous. . . well, if they put anything ahead of their relationship with Jesus, he would feel he had failed.
I have led and written Bible studies for years now; I know the pain of someone who has followed God, partly as a result of my tutelage, turning away. James makes it very clear that teachers have the greater responsibility, (James 3.1), and I never lose sight of that. It keeps me humble, and on my knees. I pray that the ‘going out of the Word’ from my hands hits the target of hearts around the world, as the Holy Spirit intends. PLEASE! I beseech you, will you pray with me that my humble efforts will go where God intends? He tells us His Word will not return void. It always accomplishes what He desires. (Isaiah 55.11) I love that.
Let’s devote ourselves to keeping our faith strong, and any other gods at bay. . .
May God bless you as you seek to apply the truths that Paul taught the Galatians,