Wise men seek him.
12/17/2010 9:44:34 AM
Dec 17, 2010~ Christmas



After the angels proclaimed to the shepherds, ‘good news of great joy which was for all the people,’ the shepherds gathered their robes and hurried to the babe.  Later, the wise men prepared to travel to make an acquaintance with the King.  [Some say “Magi”, others “wise men” . . . what’s the difference?  The word Magi is a Latinization of the plural of the Greek word magos.  The Magi are often referred to as wise men and kings.1]

Wise men seek him yet today.  What makes a man wise?  Well, what is wisdom?  Wisdom . . . the notion is tossed about in some circles of our society as though it is valued, but what truly is wisdom?!  We know that man’s wisdom is just foolishness to God, yet God invites us to ask him for wisdom, and he will give it to us.2  Think of that, for a moment . . . the God of the Universe invites us—you and me--to ask him for wisdom!

What is wisdom?  The wisdom God supplies has several components:

>understanding - what is true, right, lasting

>discretion - the ability to decide responsibly

>prudence - wise in handling practical matters, exercising good judgment, common sense, careful about one's conduct.

>discernment - keen insight

>knowledge - the body of wise teaching

>action – in exercising discretion, prudence, or discernment in choosing a course of action.  It may surprise you to see ‘action’ linked with wisdom, but what good are any of the above qualities of wisdom, if once you see it, you fail to exercise it? 

These are gifts an all-wise God gives to his children when they seek him for wisdom.  

**Something to think about:  Recently, one of my ‘brothers’ verbalized a prayer that God ‘would help him see around corners that only God could view, and help him to make decisions accordingly’.  Remember, God is not bound to our finite, chronological time … he is kairos vs. chronos time … so, he does see around our corners!   While we are somewhat bound by chronos/chronological time, God is not!  Well, my brother just saw God answer his prayer in a powerful way--executing the answer to his prayer in an ONLY God, timely sorta’ way. Only God could have pin-pointed the divine moment in which my brother would understand that He was indeed the God on the throne—he was indeed a God who would show him that he was on the right track … so, he should keep on keepin’ on.  God was blessing him with loud affirmation.

Okay, so back to the  Magi . . . they brought their gifts, and found Jesus as a young child with Mary his mother.     We find him today as the living Christ, clothed in glory and honor and seated at the right hand of his Father in Heaven.  He is there because he finished the work he came to do on earth.  Of his coming the Bible says, ‘He was made in the likeness of men, and … He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even death on the cross.  Wherefore God also has highly exalted him…that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord’!3 

Yes, wise men still seek him, but there is more—he seeks us.  He seeks us out for relationship with him.  That babe to whom the wise men came to pay homage beckoned from the cross that all would come.  ‘You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all you heart.’4

That is good news of great joy!

Merry Christmas.



1 "Biblical Magi”, Wikipedia

2    2      James 1.5

3    3     Philippians 2

4    4    Jeremiah 29.13