When the waters are DEEP Acts 25
9/22/2009 4:51:33 PM
Hello, Dear Friends.
I want to pause where we are, here in Acts 25. . .
my heart and mind are full with concern for some loved ones who are in the throes of tremendous struggle. . . creditors are closing in, family members seem lost, jobs are needed, the "c" word has come from the doctor. . . and the list goes on.
Hello, Dear Friends.
I want to pause where we are, here in Acts 25. . .
my heart and mind are full with concern for some loved ones who are in the throes of tremendous struggle. . . creditors are closing in, family members seem lost, jobs are needed, the "c" word has come from the doctor. . . and the list goes on. Yesterday, I commented on Paul in verses 1-21, and wrote about "the blameless being blamed," and how God would have us respond when wrongly accused. Today, I should like to speak to the broader scenario of discouragement, despair, and situations that appear to be hopeless. Because I do what I do, ministering to people globally, I know of so many who are hurting--my heart has broken as I have read about a brother's 10-year-old son in Uganda struck by a car while riding his bike, thrown into a coma. . . a sister in Kenya who is being sorely mistreated by her husband, the minister. . . a nearby family who is watching the ravages of alcohol consume their once-beautiful mother. . . where is the hope?
There is only one source of true hope, and His name is Jesus. He faced everything we ever will, so He is fully aware of our trials, hurt and pain, and they move His heart. He is not far off, or disinterested. My buddy, Joe, says, "Yeah, okay, Christine--I even believe that, but what do I do now? How does that help me practically?" I submit to you that you must turn your face to the Son, and become a person of strong intention.
First things first. Some people know about Jesus Christ, and believe that He exists, but have not put their faith in Him. Huh? At some point, it is a decision you alone can make to make Him your Lord. . . your Leader. It is a simple prayer, something like this. . . "Dear Jesus, I want you to lead my life. I know that I have sinned, and You alone can forgive me, and give me new life. Please come and give me a new heart. Amen" I do not care if you are Catholic or Calvary Chapel or Missionary Baptist---this is a personal choice that only you can make, and has nothing to do with religion. It is a choice for a relationship with the living Lord. It is a choice to be saved from eternity separated from God because of what Jesus' death on the cross, and resurrection secured for us.
Get the Word...in you. Scripture is life, light, and a guide for your life. Read it; write it down; put it in your pocket; memorize it. Trust me--these things will revolutionize your thinking.
Here are a few verses to get your started~
Hebrews 13.5 - Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.
Isaiah 41.10 - So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Hebrew 7.25 - Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them.
Change your thinking. 2 Corinthians 10.5. Your thoughts define you. Do not be help captive to them, as they race first one way and then the other. Your thoughts form your attitudes, and your outlook, so it is vitally important that you learn to take ahold of them. . . and think thoughts of overcoming. As worrisome thoughts about tomorrow or the future assail you, replace them with truth. Matthew 6.34 - Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow has cares enough of its own.
Find some Godly people, who exemplify Christ--hope, faith, love, grace. . . find ways to get with them. Meet with them regularly. "Two are better than one...if one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! A cord of three stands is not quickly broken" from Ecclesiastes 4 Do not isolate yourself. If you already are, remedy that immediately.
Become a person of prayer. Don't just shoot up "God, help me" prayers. Learn what it is to talk to God; learn what it is to listen to Him. If you are in great emotional turmoil, or have difficulty concentrating and staying focused while you pray (okay, that now covers all of us!), then get a simple lined notebook, and ?write your prayers. Start by ?praising God for who He is; then, ?ask Him to show you anything you should change, stop, or do. . . ?confess your sins to God--it is so incredibly freeing; ?tell God your needs, ask for His help, wisdom, mercy. . . ?Then ask Him if there is anything He wants to say to you. . . listen.
Throughout the Old Testament, when God's people cried out (literally), He came and answered. ?Hit your knees, bow your heart, and cry out to God.
Feed yourself well. Get rid of the things that do not elevate your thinking. So many people are more intentional about body building and eating nutritionally than they are about soul building, and feeding their hearts and minds well. Philippians 4.8 - Think about things that are true lovely, admirable. . . Look up that verse, and study it, so as to understand and apply it. Your eyes and ears are the gatekeepers to your minds, so be prudent about what you watch, read, and engage in on the internet. Remember--you are in training--you are a soul builder, (which is way better than a body-builder; your body will be gone, your soul never will).
Take yourself to church. It seems that church has become so optional... so passe... Ask the recovering alcoholic if AA meetings are optional; they know better. You gotta go for refreshment and revival; you gotta go to worship the Creator, and be together with God's people. Many churches have small groups programs that may have a group that will build you up and encourage you while also getting you into relationships with others who seek to be on the "right path".
In closing, the waters may be deep, but they need not take you down. Listen to the Lord's words from Isaiah 43--"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze."
Whatever it takes. . . do not give up.
At all costs. . . pursue God's hope. Let Him be your sustainer~
please share this with someone you know who is in a dark place, and needs a lifeline;
offer to pray for them--if they say 'yes'--be courageous,
and do it right then! do not let the opportunity get away from you.