"So, Christine . . . is Oprah a Christian?"
6/6/2011 1:19:47 AM
June 5,2011~Romans#77 in series


“So, Christine, is Oprah a Christian?”

I couldn’t duck the question anymore.  Truthfully, there is a part of me that would like to avoid answering the question.  I just know too many women who put great stock in what Oprah has to say . . . I know too many women who plan their afternoons to watch—and even more who record to watch at their leisure—her daily program. 

‘Wondering about a person’s stance on anything?  Listen to what she says, and then take a look at the positions she espouses.   “I am a Christian who believes that there are certainly many more paths to God other than Christianity,” Oprah said. ‘But, Ms. Oprah, Ma’am---in your position, in your statement, we have a problem—a contradiction.  If you are a Christian, as you say you are, then that means you are a Christ follower, right, Ms. Oprah?’   That’s right.’ ‘Then, Ma’am, you believe that the Bible is the Word of God, right?’  ‘Uh huh.’                                                                             ‘So what do you do with Jesus’ own words that ‘he is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through him’—what do you do with that claim—made my Jesus himself?’    ‘Oh sure, but he must not have meant he was the only way …’

And therein lies the problem.  It sounds quite tolerant to say that there are many ways to God, except that the Son of God—the only person qualified to comment, because he alone was perfect, he alone was sinless and willing to go to the cross to pay the debt that I could not pay—said that HE was the only WAY to God.  Recorded in John’s gospel, chapter 14, verse 6.  (And of course, he proved his divinity by rising from the dead!)

So, is Oprah still a Christian?   She apparently believes there is more than one way to God.   Hmmm . . . well, what else do I know about her?

I look back a few years to the people/causes/beliefs that Oprah has promoted.  There was “The Secret”.  Ah yes . . . ‘remember Rhonda Byrne, author of “The Secret”, who became wealthy over night when Oprah smiled her way?  In the book and DVD by the same name, New Age principles and modern-day names were inter-woven with Scripture and ‘the laws of attraction’—that what you send into the universe will come back to you.  While I believe that positive thinking is good, do these quotes sound congruous with Scripture?                                                                                     >your mission is whatever you believe it is . . 

>you are God manifested in human form

>The Law of Attraction – that which you are thinking—will give you exactly what you want every time—it has been scientifically proven . . .

The teaching of “The Secret” is that the secret is not found in God, but in the Universe.  The secret is drawn from that which we think . . .    The obvious problem is that folks are not discerning enough to separate God’s truth from man’s self-gratifying philosophies.  The Secret is /was New Age teaching cloaked in a new book cover and clever fonts.

More recently was Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth.  In 2008, Oprah was so personally influenced by it that she conducted (with Tolle) a 10-week webcast of Tolle’s material which draws from Buddhism, Islam, New Age thought, and Christianity.   Living in the ‘now’ is good—as in ‘this is the day the Lord has made—we will rejoice and be glad in it!’ (the psalmist wrote in 118.24) Tolle’s thoughts and teaching must not be confused with Christianity.

Christianity, by its very definition, holds Jesus Christ at its center—unapologetically.  It does not, need not, and should never be adulterated with any other beliefs, including the elevation of self or self-awareness.  Jesus Christ, born of God, begotten not made—very God of very God.  Born of the virgin Mary.  Arrested, tried under Pontius Pilate, and crucified.  Buried, but after three days rose again.  After walking amongst his people, before their very eyes, he ascended into Heaven.  He is alongside God the Father until such time he returns to claim his church—those who profess his name—to be with him forever.

So, is it Jesus + The Secret?   Christianity + The New Earth?

Some have referred to her followers as the ‘Church of Oprah’.   Folks have called her a religious icon.  INFLUENCE in our culture is POWER.  So when she dubbed herself ‘spiritual’ rather than Christian, a nation of women heard.  When she made room for Buddhist icons, and exhibited tolerance toward the Koran as truth, where did Jesus on the Cross go?  Was he just one of several religious icons? 

And then there was her last show—sentimental, moving, and filled with gratitude.  When asked the secret of her long-term success, she credited ‘her team and Jesus’.  Wait….Oprah!  Do you mean Jesus and Rhonda Byrne?  Did you mean to say Michael Beckwith and Eckhart Tolle?  What about sending good thoughts out into the Universe?    Hmmm . . .

Is Oprah a Christian?  That is not mine nor yours to judge.  The only thing I will say is that ‘to whom much is given much is required.’  That standard frightens me, and causes me to confess when I fall short.  Is Oprah a Christian?  Well, I guess that depends … what is a Christian?
