Paul prays the perfect prayer. Philippians 1.9-11
9/27/2011 12:34:44 AM
Sept 26, 2011~Philippians #6 in series


Paul prays the perfect prayer . . .

Several weeks ago, I asked for your prayer as I endeavored to ‘launch’ Fellowship of Christian Athletes at my nearby San Clemente High School.  Someone stopped me at the gym the other day, and said, ‘Hey, how is it going?  How is it going at the high school?’  Because I requested your prayer, it is only right that I tell you about what is happening; so today, I wish to give an accounting …

First, do you pray for your son or daughter, or some young person you care about?  What informs your thinking about how to pray?  Are you concerned that you are not praying the ‘right things’, or not covering ‘all the bases’? 

Or, are you at the helm of a group of people, attempting to steer them—hopefully toward good and right things, and if you have the liberty, toward a life filled with joy, meaning and purpose in God?

Please keep reading.

How about San Clemente High School?  Well, we launched FCA three weeks ago at the locals’ favorite beach in town…(see . . .God was there.   Two more Sunday nights have followed at different venues, with each evening drawing between 60 and 70 students, and a lot of interest.  Check this out: I know of several dynamic, intelligent young people who have never been introduced to Christianity who are coming and even wanting to serve, just so they can hear about what it means to be a Christian.  Does it get any better than that?  I submit to you that it does not!

Then, last week, FCA was approved to be an on-campus club as well, with about 150 students signing up to attend—at Club Rush, our table drew the most attention and response.  So tomorrow, (Tuesday), bi-monthly lunch time meetings begin.  Oh, God is good.  He is faithful. 

At a time in our culture, when there is so much over which to be concerned, to see young people desire to know God, and come together to do so—well, it is something to jump up and down about!  MTV, Youtube, Facebook, Text-Messaging even, may have a deleterious effect on the minds of our youth in many ways, but right now Facebook and Mass Text Messaging, (along with word of mouth enthusiasm), are the vehicles through which God’s messages are being peddled at our huge public high school.  Gotta love it.

At the helm of a group you want to lead well?  Got young people for whom you wish to pray?  Want to pray a powerful, yet practical prayer for those you love?

Look with me at how Paul prays for the Philippian believers:

“And I pray this: that your love will keep on growing in knowledge and every kind of discernment, so that you can determine what really matters and can be pure and blameless in the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that [comes] through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.”  Philippians 1.9-11

Paul prays for his dear friends, that they will grow in all areas of love . . . (hmmm…when I pray for my children, I do not think to pray that love will grow in their lives …)  Yet ‘love’ is a repeat theme in Paul’s writing, and here we see him apply it as though he might be talking about wisdom!  Huh—who was it that said that ‘love is blind’?  On the contrary, LOVE sees with eyes wide open, and loves in spite ofin full view of, and sometimes, upon truly seeing, loves another back to health, or loves another in such a way that change and healing may be possible.1  One rendering of this verse is “My prayer for you is that you may have still more love—a love that is full of knowledge and every wise insight”.2

So, let us pray as Paul did—the perfect prayer for another~

That your love will keep on growing:~>in knowledge – understanding of what is at hand;  ~>in discernment – that it may be proven what is wise; that one may use  keen judgment;                                                                                ~>so that you can determine what really matters – establish priorities;  ~>and be pure and blameless when Christ comes; ~>known for righteousness – the ability to choose what is right, and do it                                 in Jesus Christ, to glorify God the Father. 

Paul prayed the perfect prayer for the Philippian believers … but it is also the perfect prayer for your children, for the small group you lead, and for my dear FCA students whose hearts are being drawn to God.  Oh, what a passage!  Oh, what a prayer that Paul has given to us!  Yes, Friends, ‘holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.’3   Which is why—two thousand years later—in the worldly culture of Southern California, these words still have application; which is why, my dear ones who read from Pakistan, Singapore, the Philippines, Germany, and Ghana—these words still apply!  That you may grow in love of our Christ Jesus—a love that is wise, discerning … and well, so much more. 

May God add his blessing to the impartation of his precious Word.  Amen.


The Communicator’s Commentary-Philippians, Lloyd J. Ogilvie

2  J.B. Phillips

3 2 Peter 1.21, in the King James Version, the one from which I first learned this verse, the one that replays in my head, since I was a small girl.