Jesus Christ, lost without him.
10/25/2011 10:48:47 PM
Oct 25, 2011~ Philippians #20 in series


Jesus Christ . . . lost without him.    (set-up for Philippians 2.5-11)

Unless you are in contact with the young public, you really do not have a framework for the claim that ‘we live in a Post-Christian generation’—that more people will grow up not knowing about Jesus Christ than will.  I recently addressed the feeling of many that the Church is so flawed they want no part of it.  In fact, parents, thinking themselves generous, tell their teen-agers, ‘hey, be glad—I am not dragging you to a boring church service, or forcing my beliefs on you.  I am letting you make up your own mind.’  ‘Sounds magnanimous but today’s teens NEED God--maybe more than any generation before—there is so much pressure.  There is so much thrown at them, and they need biblical training to make wise decisions.

This weekend, I asked a local youth pastor to come and speak at Sunday Night Live, and answer the question, “Who is Jesus Christ?”  In order to illustrate the heart of Jesus, he went to Luke chapter 15, and the story of the Prodigal Son; he asked, ‘how many of you know this story?’  In a crowd of just under a hundred students, three hands went up.  Three. 

It seems our culture welcomes any “ism”, ideology, or religion other than biblical Christianity.  Our young people have lost out, I’m afraid.  ‘Interesting that on April 6, 2009, President Obama was in Turkey, a Muslim country, and said, “We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.” No kidding, Mr. Obama…and thank you very much.  Quite telling.

In “Who IS Jesus Christ?”  I discussed the Son of God, and who he WAS when he came in the flesh.  Just digging into my own head and heart to answer that question, ‘Who is Jesus?’ reminded me why I love him so.  Perhaps the most remarkable thing about Jesus’ 33-plus year stay is that he came to earth for one purpose—to die.  Yet, he came . . . knowing the torture that would be his. 

Yes, ultimately, he allowed himself to suffer and die in the most humiliating and excruciating form of execution known to man.  And he died without defending himself . . . for you, for me. 

Death, of course, could not contain Jesus!  The tomb was found empty, and the boulder that blocked its entrance, estimated between 1½ and two tons, had been rolled uphill and away from the tomb.  Death could not contain Jesus nor could the tomb, or the Roman guard unit stationed there. Those Roman guards were strictly disciplined fighting men held to the highest standards.  Failure often required death by torturous and humiliating methods.  The massive stone had the Roman seal affixed to it, which stood for the power and authority of the Roman Empire. Breaking the seal meant automatic execution by crucifixion--upside down.2  Anyone trying to move the stone from the tomb's entrance would have broken the seal and thus incurred the wrath of Roman law. 

No matter.  Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, just as he said he would.  For 40 days, he walked, talked and even ate with people; he met them face-to-face, individually and in groups, indoors and out of doors, when he preached to a crowd of more than 500.  And then from the Mount of Olives, Jesus Christ, before the very eyes of his beloved disciples and several others, ascended into Heaven to assume his rightful place with God the Father. 

Who is Jesus?  He is the beautiful Son of God; he is our Savior, and our access to God.  Jesus is in every way God.  He lives to intercede to the Father on our behalf.3

Who IS Jesus?  Savior, Teacher, coming King, Lord, Friend, Shepherd, Miracle-worker.  He is compassionate, merciful, an extender of Grace, and our holy Lord.

Who WILL Jesus BE?  Our King, and the Judge of the living and the dead.4 

Who IS he?  Who WAS he?  Who WILL he be?  Well . . . 

       >God is outside of time and space…Therefore,

              Jesus IS all of these at once—Creator,

                Miracle-worker, Teacher, Suffering Savior,

                  Conqueror of Death, Coming King.

Check it out:

Jesus Christ -- My life would be empty without him, and I would have no purpose and no barometer. Jesus Christ, lost without him.

Grace and Peace,



1.  public record—even on Youtube


3.  Hebrews 7.25

4.  1 Peter 4.5

5.  Psalm 33.9; Colossians 1.16