The Crux of the Matter. Philippians 2.9-11
10/28/2011 10:19:02 AM
Oct 27, 2011~Philippians #22 in series


The Crux of it all.  Philippians 2.9-11

Crux – (noun) 1. A vital or pivotal point,   2. A turning point,   3. An intersection of people or ideas,   4. An issue that is ongoing or unresolved, 5. A cross (Latin for cross)

Today’s passage is the crux of the New Testament … I might even be so bold as to say that it is the crux of the Bible, and the heart of God.

Therefore because Jesus humbled himself, became a man, and died—sinless—in our place . . . God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.  Philippians 2.9-11

We have been discussing Jesus’ life and purpose; we saw what Paul said, have this attitude in yourself which was also in Christ Jesus: humility. Jesus Christ—fully God, fully human, and humble?  Hmm . . . I am wondering, if someone turned to you on the airplane and said, ‘I see the cross around your neck … um, could you tell me about Jesus Christ?’  Could you?  

Let’s say you had your son’s friend for dinner at your house… you just said ‘the blessing’ and then, “In Jesus’ name, Amen …”  Your son’s friend lifts his head to say, ‘Um, excuse me, Mrs. Weld, could you tell me about Jesus?  Um, you prayed ‘in Jesus’ name’, could you tell me about him?’  Well, Mrs. Weld, could you do it?  Could you tell your son’s friend, or anyone else who asked, about Jesus?  Could you, through your expressive words, capture the essence of Jesus Christ?

It matters, you know.  From today’s passage we see that just any understanding of Jesus will not do . . . it is not enough to say that ‘Jesus was a good and moral individual;’ it is not sufficient to say that ‘Jesus was the best teacher the world has known …’ no, only one description of Jesus is sufficient.  Jesus is Lord.  As Paul expressed to the Philippians, you and I must believe, must be willing to speak aloud that “Jesus Christ is Lord of All … Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life.”  Jesus himself said, ‘Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven.’1  Yep, we must be willing to claim him.

Which reminds me—when Jesus said, ‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven,2  What did he Mean?  What did Jesus mean ‘that not everyone who says ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father’?  Let’s look at the context, here in Matthew 7--verse 20 indicates that it was those who bear fruit—those whose lives exhibit that they are connected to the Vine, Jesus Christ. 

For you to say that “Jesus is Lord” means that you are in a sweet surrendered relationship to him;  indeed, it means that I have subjugated my will to his will, to his way of looking at things, to his way of doing things.  It means that you and I have determined to rest our case with him.

These few verses also proclaim the position of God the Father—that one day, ALL will bow, ALL will recognize that Jesus Christ is the Lord Supreme.  Our Father will smile.  Jesus IS Lord of all—that is the crux of the matter.

Grace and peace,


 MMatthew 10.32

2      Matthew 7.21