Wisdom. . . Gimme' summathat James 1.2-5
9/22/2009 11:08:04 PM
Good Morning~
Let us look again at the first few verses that James, the half-brother of the Lord, penned.
Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.
Let us look again at the first few verses that James, the half-brother of the Lord, penned.
Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. If you need wisdom--if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask Him, and He will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. 1.2-5, New Living Trans.
Do you see the notion of wisdom bumped right up against growth through trials? Long after Scripture was written, it was broken into chapters and verses and even paragraphs. When properly seeking to understand meaning, we must always look at context... I believe that James' positioning indicates that when going 'through it', we can ask God for wisdom in order to get 'through it', and also that wisdom will be gained through the process, if we seek to learn. We must reckon that James knew what he was talking about. We have just completed the book of Acts, where we learned that James was the leader of the early church, which endured great hardship and persecution. James writes from his experience. . . 'can't argue with that.
What is wisdom? It has several components, which I have referenced in other writing; however, this is information that needs to be part of our working knowledge: wisdom--what it is, and how to get it--how to live our lives utilizing it.
>understanding - what is true, right, lasting
>discretion - the ability to decide responsibly
>prudence - wise in handling practical matters, exercising good judgment, common sense,
careful about one's conduct (okay, there's another T shirt I want--
black with the word "prude" written in silver script across the chest)
>discernment - keen insight
>knowledge - the sum of scholarly learning through the ages; wise teachings of the ancient sages
>action - exercising discretion, prudence, discernment in choosing a course of action for ourselves
Let us look at the first of these--understanding what is true. . .
Hmmm... understanding TRUTH. . . dictionary defines truth as 'conformity to fact or actuality--
a statement proved to be or accepted as true-'
We already have a problem with this huge aspect of wisdom because there are many TODAY who would tell us that there is no absolute truth. Though many of our young people are being fed this line of 'bull', there is absolute truth and it begins and ends with the Alpha and the Omega. . . God.
I challenge you to ask God for wisdom--understanding what it entails (the six elements discussed above, ) Understand that God gives it to us, generously, as long as we have the faith that He will indeed supply it. That is powerful--you might want to read it again, and ask God to help you to understand and apprehend it.
Faith. . . . . we will talk about it throughout James. Faith isn't faith unless we use it. Hebrews 11.6 tells us that "without faith it is impossible to please God..." And, here's the deal, our Supplier has bottomless pockets, His resources are limitless. James says He will give to us generously--but it requires of us faith in God. It reminds me of conversations I had with businessmen this past week. . . they were in situations that required keen judgment, and somehow the letter that needed to be written, upon which a lot of business hinged, almost seemed effortless in the writing; the conversation with a customer just flowed; the creative idea just 'came' when needed in the presentation.
Wisdom--there when you need it, supplied by God. Ask God for it daily.
Grace and peace to you~