Jesus, a loose woman, and perfume Luke 7.36-50
9/24/2009 9:50:19 PM
Scripture Reading: Luke 7.36-50 Today's inspiration: Your faith has saved you; go in peace. Good Morning. A provocative heading, wouldn't you say? Not without reason, because Jesus was a provocative individual, in the true sense of the word.

Scripture Reading: Luke 7.36 - 7.50 Today's inspiration: Your faith has saved you; go in peace.

Good Morning.

A provocative heading, wouldn't you say? Not without reason, because Jesus was a provocative individual, in the true sense of the word. Early on, the Pharisees knew that Jesus said it like it was--especially with them. Yet, we have often found the Pharisees very near Jesus. . . why? In the passage we read today, Jesus was the dinner guest of a wealthy Pharisee, so you see it was not simply that they were the hecklers in the crowds He taught--they actually invited Him into their homes. Hmmm. . .

We find Jesus slightly reclined at the table in the eastern manner, (get rid of the image of your dining room table and chairs), when a woman comes up and kneels near His feet. and starts weeping. The Bible describes her as 'a woman who had lived a sinful life,' and having heard about Jesus--His compassion, His power to do the miraculous, and His will to forgive sins, she grabs her most prized possession, a bottle of expensive perfume, and runs to Him. (Clearly, she was not an invited dinner guest, but because of Jesus' acclaim, the door would have been open, and seekers free to come in and observe and listen to Jesus.) As she weeps over her life, she begins to wipe the tears that have fallen on Jesus' feet with her hair, she kisses His feet, and then pours her expensive perfumed oil over them. (the perfume was valued at about a year's wages) Extravagant, to say the least.

The dinner host, Mr. Simon Pharisee, thinks to himself that if Jesus really was who He claimed to be, then He would have known this woman's character, and not let her defile him by her overt actions. Jesus addresses what the man is thinking about, and I must quote Him verbatim because His words are both poignant and pertinent--Simon, I have something to tell you. . . Two men owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii, [a denarius was a coin worth about a day's wages], and the other fifty. Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he canceled the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more? Jesus then sums up His visit to the Pharisee's home--'you didn't even offer me water to wash my dry dusty feet, and of course, you and I both know, Simon, that is the very least a host can do for his guests--and yet, this woman has humbly shown me her heart. . . and given me her all.' Jesus turned and looked at her and said, Your sins are forgiven you. What a stark contrast, eh? Humility forgiven, holy pride subtly rebuked.

Several thoughts occur to me as I take in this scene. Of the three players, with whom do I identify most? Am I more like the Pharisee who appears to be generous, but in reality, given to comparison, criticism and judgment? Am I at all like Jesus who can wisely discern the intent of the heart, and offer forgiveness? Or am I more like the woman, who has much to be forgiven, and like her, humbling myself before the only One who can truly forgive me of sin? How about you? With whom do you identify?

Another thought reverberates in my mind--why did openly sinful people want to be near Jesus? It seems neither logical or reasonable. One thing is sure--fallen people rarely feel comfortable coming into our churches, to confess and seek forgiveness, because too often, Christians act as though they've got it all together, and no longer struggle. Pleeeeeeease! Philip Yancey, has helped me see our downfall--"Somehow we have created a community of respectability in the church. The down-and-out who flocked to Jesus when He lived on earth, no longer feel welcome (in the church). How did Jesus, the only perfect person in history, manage to attract the notoriously imperfect? And what keeps us from following in His steps today?" "Jesus was the friend of sinners. They liked being around Him and longed for His company. What was Jesus' secret that we have lost?" Jesus' secret? He freely offered forgiveness to those who were sorry. He offered grace. And why, when the Pharisees thought that touching an 'unclean' person would make one unclean, did Jesus touch them, and permit them to touch Him? because "The contagion of holiness overcomes the contagion of uncleanness." Walter Wink

I pray that you will recreate this event in your mind, and visualize what it must have been like--for the Pharisee, the loose woman, and Jesus. . . what can we learn? And, don't miss Jesus' final words to the woman, Your faith has saved you; go in peace. Jesus commended the woman for her faith in bringing her extravagant gift to Jesus, and seeking forgiveness; He gave her grace, assured her she was saved, and told her to be at peace. Beautiful. . . and yes, extravagant~

So that you may know,
