While it is not my intent to convey all knowledge about resources, I do, however, want you to be able to enjoy some of the great material that is available:

Research Material
bible.logos.com - a manageable resource for translations and study materials..I like it!
blueletterbible.org - a great site for commentaries, study information, and more -

biblegateway.com - look up numerous Bible translations--compare, contrast. . . excellent!

allaboutgod.com - Randall Niles has done a phenomenal job of research and commentary on many salient topics related to the Christian life and experience. **I also post Morning Briefings on a blog on the the AllAboutGod social network - check out allaboutgod... you won't be sorry.

truthsoularmor.com - contemporary surf/skater wear for men, women, youth with a great message

Music Sources
'Love these two CDs, 'playin 'em like crazy!
Sidewalk Prophets, "These Simple Truths"
Casting Crowns, "Until the Whole World Knows"
both of these bands are musically sound, and the lyrics are God-inspiring.

garyreaworship.com - Gary Rea is a gifted, talented and anointed songster, and it is my highest joy to be led into worship by Gary. He loves God, writes masterfully, and sings beautifully.

beckahshea.com - Wow! 'Just discovered Beckah, and she was gracious enough to allow me to use one of her beautiful songs on this site. Talented musically, gifted spiritually, she is a joy.

Looking for new music? These are some of my top choices, for their lyrical value and musical excellence as well. Anything by Jeremy Camp, Pocket Full of Rocks, Mark Harris, The Daniel Doss Band, Chris Rice, Nicole Mullen, Sidewalk Prophets, Kutless, 10th Avenue North, Third Day, Barlow Girl and Mercy Me.

Choosing to listen to "godly" music renews your mind, changes your attitude.

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