Women of Passion meets weekly in the chapel on the lovely campus of (Mariners) Ocean Hills in San Juan Capistrano. Christine DiGiacomo leads the weekly format of music, teaching and small group discussion. Faithfully, God comes and dwells among us women of different backgrounds, ages, interests, and accomplishments. We have come to cultivate an authentic community of women, who has learned to serve one another, especially in difficult times. Honestly, we enjoy doing life together, while also impacting the world around us with the hope that lies within us! Women of Passion studies through the Bible, considering its application to our daily lives and situations. We believe strongly in the life-changing power of prayer, and through the years, we have seen God do the miraculous among us.

When God birthed “WoP” thirteen years ago, it was with the purpose of growing a passionate faith in Jesus Christ, while growing authentic community in our women of various ages, backgrounds, spiritual maturity and experience. The value of trust and safety is a major distinctive at Women of Passion.

We invite you to check out our Thursday morning gatherings from 9.30 to 11.30 at (Mariners) Ocean Hills, 32222 Del Obispo, San Juan Capistrano, 92675. For more information or to register, please email us at info@pastorwoman.com.


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